Yuanzhe Liu February 26, 2019 Academic Writting5 Is the American Education System Good for Us? Do…

Yuanzhe Liu February 26, 2019 Academic Writting5 Is the American Education System Good for Us? Do… | savvyessaywriters.org

Yuanzhe Liu

February 26, 2019

Academic Writting5

Is the American Education System Good for Us?

Do you want to study in the United States as an international student? Nowadays, more and more people are going to American universities to study. There are a lot of people who fly abroad to further their studies. They communicate with each other in different languages. As an international student, studying in an American university, you can get a lot of benefits from the US educational system, the US educational system has abundant educational resources, Intercultural communication, and more opportunities to broaden horizons.

Firstly, America is one of the most developed countries in the world. We say it is developed, not only on the science and finance fields, but also on the education field. That is why so many students go to America for studying every year. As Herman L. Totten said that “Our educational system knows that embracing diversity results in effective learning” (206) we can study in a good condition which is very important for us. The United States is a developed country. For most countries, the education system of the United States has a leading position in the world. We can learn what we can’t learn in our own country. For example, you can learn the most advanced theoretical system of finance through the American education system. You can use the advanced teaching equipment to simulate the reality more realistically.  And the United States has the largest number of world-class learning institutions, covering all major and minor subjects. Advanced technology combined with the best teachers and support staff ensures a superior learning experience. As a result, American education has a global perspective.

Secondly, we can learn different culture and meet people from different countries. As Herman L. Totten said that “America made that the United States is a multi-ethnic country. There are many people from many countries and regions. English has become more and more important over the world. We can make friends from all over the world. Although we are from different countries and speak different languages, we can communicate in English. We can not only make new friends but also improve our English skills. We can learn about different cultures from around the world through these new friends. Professors and students become good friends. Students are organized to participate in a series of social welfare activities. Students can learn a lot of knowledge that they can’t learn in class.

Thirdly, studying in America can expand our knowledge and broaden horizons, which makes us more competitive in their life, work and study. As Derek Bok said that “Throughout most of its history, American higher education has differed in several respects from the university systems of other advanced industrial democracies” (14) Through the American education system, you can accept education from different countries and choose a learning method that suits you. Students learn to be creative and avoid the herd mentality. This will help you to better accept new knowledge and learn more. For example, Classrooms in the United States are open classrooms. After living and working abroad for several years, you may have developed the advanced ideas of western countries, whose significance will undoubtedly have a profound impact on your life and work. For instance, you will get rid of such bad habits as procrastination, lack of sense of time and so on, and your moral quality will also be greatly improved. At least you won’t spit and break the road like some Chinese people, throw away batteries and white garbage and so on.

Actually, some opponents believe that going to the United States to study abroad is more harmful than good, they think that it costs a lot to study in the United States. However, If you have enough knowledge and successfully graduated from college to earn a degree, you can use your own abilities in your future life and work.  As Arthur M. Hauptman said “universities are faced with rising expectations in the form of growing numbers of students and families believing that higher education is the principal ticket to success in our society” (29) You can get a better job and get a higher income. The harvest far exceeds the pay. Going abroad is an excellent exercise for your perseverance and the ability to live independently. It can cultivate the spirit of bearing hardships very well. Maybe going abroad for a few years can make you have such indomitable quality for a lifetime. Graduate from the university now the job is searched hard, with its are in domestic take an examination of one’s deceased father grind inferior to go to abroad gold-plated, tell from time about the same, but the nature that contains gold cannot be compared in the same breath.

In conclusion, although you will spend a lot of money and feel lonely when you study in America, you can benefit a lot things from it. such as having a great future, a chance to see the world and a successful career. You can expand our knowledge, broaden horizons, learn different culture, meet different kinds of people and experience different lifestyle. You can get a valuable experience in life.




Totten, Herman L. “The Advantages of Diversity.” The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, vol. 83, no. 3, 2013, pp. 204–206. JSTOR, JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/670694.

Totten, Herman L. “The Advantages of Diversity.” The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, vol. 83, no. 3, 2013, pp. 204–206. JSTOR, JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/670694.

BOK, DEREK. “THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION.” Higher Education in America: Revised Edition, REV – Revised ed., Princeton University Press, PRINCETON; OXFORD, 2013, pp. 9–27. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv7h0rts.7.

Hauptman, A. M. (1997). Financing American higer education in the 1990s. New Directions for Institutional Research, 1997(93), 19. https://doi.org/10.1002/ir.9302


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