Your task is to measure the integration of your client’s messages using a process measure….

Your task is to measure the integration of your client’s messages using a process measure…. |

Your task is to measure the integration of your client’s messages using a process measure. This involves: – Audit of paid and owned media to show what the client is saying and doing – Social Media Listening study of earned media to show what others are confirming – Applying the Strategic Consistency Triangle framework – Three recommendations PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES OF THE ASSESSMENT TASK The Strategic Consistency Triangle (SCT) investigates the consistency between what a brand “says” and “does” and what others “confirm” about it. However, in this assessment task, we investigate this fundamental framework using the new technology of social media listening. This is the first time this has ever been done. This assessment piece adds another two capabilities (social media listening and SCT application) to your skillset.




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