You work for ABC Stationery, a small business that supplies office supplies to small and……

You work for ABC Stationery, a small business that supplies office supplies to small and…… |

Case Study Consider the following scenario. You work for ABC Stationery, a small business that supplies office supplies to small and medium-sized businesses within the South East Queensland market. The business has eight staff members, and it has started to grow. As part of that growth, you have been asked to look at the business’s customer service strategies. A new Client Management System (CMS) with an integrated document control system has been purchased in order to stop the loss of corporate knowledge, which happens when staff members leave. Currently, no formal customer service strategies have been put in place, and there has been no previous formal training within the organisation in customer service. About the business: • Two business partners own the business. • Three administration staff take sales over the phone and liaise with the bigger clients on a daily basis. One member is new, one has been with the company for one year, and the other has been with the company for eight years. • The finance manager has been with the company for three years. • There are two sales staff that mostly work remotely. They have been with the company for two years.




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