You should give informal descriptions of the required TMs (not the level of specifics required fo…

You should give informal descriptions of the required TMs (not the level of specifics required fo… |

For Problem 1, you should give informal descriptions of the required TMs (not the level of specifics required for a transition diagram or table but you must clearly describe the behavior of the machine with respect to the tape(s) and any branching). In Problems 2-5 you only need to provide a high- level algorithm, similar to the examples done in class. You should use the decidable and undecidable languages that are proven in lecture and textbook so far to arrive at short and precise arguments. You may treat TMs that were designed in class as subroutines in your decidability proofs. 1. [3 points each part] Informally describe nondeterministic Turing Machines (multitape if you like) that accept the following languages over 10, 1,#t. You must take advantage of non determinism to avoid iteration and save time (that is, prefer many short branches over less longer ones) (a) All strings of 0s and 1s that have some substring of length 42 that repeats (that is, strings of the form wzyrz with lal 42 and w, y, z arbitrary) (b) All strings of the form w1#w2# wn for some n 1, where wi E 10, 1 and for some j, wi is the binary representation of the integer j 2. Prove that the language L is decidable: L A, R) I A is a DFA and R a regular expression with LCA) L(R) 3. [3 points each part] In the following, M denotes a TM, w a word and n a positive integer. Consider the following two languages: Prove for each language either that it is decidable or that it is undecidable L1 (M, w, n) I M halts on w after S n StepS L2 M,w, n) I M halts on w after steps 4. Prove that the language L M) I M accepts every input is undecidable. Hint: all Show that if not, the halting problem is also decidable. 5. Prove that LNCSU M L(M) contains the string NCSU) is undecidable using a reduction from TM K M, w I M is a Turing Machine and w E L(M) A

You should give informal descriptions of the required TMs (not the level of specifics required for a transition diagram or table – but you must clearly describe the behavior of the machine with respect to the tape(s) and any branching). In Problems 2-5 you only need to provide a high-level algorithm, similar to the examples clone in class. You should use the decidable and undecidable languages that are proven in lecture and textbook so far to arrive at short and precise arguments. You may treat TMs that were designed in class as subroutines in your decidability proofs. Informally describe nondeterministic Turing Machines (multitape if you like) that accept the following languages over {0, 1, #}. You must take advantage of nondeterminism to avoid iteration and save time (that is, prefer many short branches over less longer ones). (a) All strings of 0s and Is that have some substring of length 42 that repeats (that is, strings of the form wxyxz with |x| = 42 and w, y, z arbitrary) (b) All strings of the form w_1#w_2#… #w_n for some n greaterthanorequalto 1, where w_i elementof {0, 1}* and for some j, w_j is the binary representation of the integer j. Prove that the language L is decidable: L:= { | A is a DFA and R a regular expression with L(A) = L(R)}. In the following, M denotes a TM, w a word and n a positive integer. Consider the following two languages: Prove for each language either that it is decidable or that it is undecidable. L_1:= {(M, w, n) | M halts on w after lessthanorequalto n steps}, L_2:= {(M) w, n) | M halts on w after > n steps}. Prove that the language L_all = {(M) | M accepts every input} is undecidable. Prove that L_CSU = {< M >: L(M)contains the string “NCSU”} is undecidable using a reduction from A_TM = {< M, w | M is a Turing Machine and w elementof L(M)}.


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