You are required to design and develop a small console application in any Object-Oriented… 1 answer below »

You are required to design and develop a small console application in any Object-Oriented… 1 answer below » |


You are required to design and develop a small console application in any Object-Oriented Programming

Language. Completion of this assignment requires an understanding of:

? Analysis and design techniques, including the development of use cases and UML diagrams –

specifically, use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams

? Object-oriented programming, focusing on polymorphism and the use of interfaces

Timelines and Expectations

Percentage Value of Task: 20%

Due: Sun, May 10, 2020 – 23:55 (week 7)

Minimum time expectation: 20 hours

Assignment Type: Individual

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:

? Understand the significance of detailed project planning and control, good communication and

documentation and the use of appropriate tools in order to provide a quality product

? Understand the distinction between software engineering and programming, and thus the

distinction between a software configuration and a program

? Understand the methods and techniques involved in designing, implementing and maintaining

an information system, in particular using an object-oriented approach

? Demonstrate skills in designing and implementing an information system.




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