You are asked to produce a 2000 word report where you discuss what you have learnt from this…

You are asked to produce a 2000 word report where you discuss what you have learnt from this… |

You are asked to produce a 2000 word report where you discuss what you have learnt from this course. This report is due on the 19th May 2020 by 5pm. This assessment task is worth 30%.

A critical part of developing as an independent student is the ability to reflect on your own learning experiences. This report asks you to undertake an assessment of your own learning processes and outcomes. In particular, the purpose of this piece of assessment is to get you to engage in self-reflection about the knowledge that you have gained as a result of undertaking this course. This analysis should enable you to better understand what you have learned, how you learned, and how any new knowledge, skills, and abilities complement your existing knowledge, skills, and ability.

The report asks you to address a number of different issues, which are outlined below in the criteria for the self-reflection report. It is important that you draw on academic theory and evidence when constructing your self-reflection report.




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