You are an engineer with Ace Foundations, Inc. Your company has been hired to build a 165-foot…

You are an engineer with Ace Foundations, Inc. Your company has been hired to build a 165-foot… |

You are an engineer with Ace Foundations, Inc. Your company has been hired to build a 165-foot foundation wall for the construction of a house. You have calculated that the drainage line around the wall will take 1 cubic yard of gravel for every 5 feet of wall.

a. If a contractor’s wheelbarrow has a 1 3 cubic yard capacity, how many wheelbarrow loads of gravel will be needed?

b. If your company typically builds this type of a wall at an average rate of 71 2 feet per hour, how many hours will it take to build the foundation wall?

c. Each load of gravel costs $4. The wall materials cost $13 per foot, and labor costs $62 per hour. If $2,700 profit is to be added to the job, how much is the total charge to build the foundation wall?


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