
write-an-article-about-an-extended-definition-1 | savvyessaywriters.org

Write an article about an extended definition. Four pages.

the first consideration is that a word doesn’t have one “right” meaning. there are more ideas or concepts than there are words, so the same word has to mean different things at different times. conversely, different words or phrases can be used to name the same concept. in writing an extended definition, don’t define the word – rather explain the concept, and show why it’s important that the reader have clearly in mind the same concept you have in mind.

so a definition is partly fact (“this is what this word means when military historians, or beekeepers, use it”) and partly reasoned opinion (“let’s agree, for now, to use this word in this way so we can understand each other and come to on other things “)

an extended definition can be built outward form a logical definition, also known as a dictionary definition, or a notional definition, or an Aristotelian definition.


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