Write a report of your answers on separate sheets of paper, taking care to prepare a legible and… 1 answer below »

Write a report of your answers on separate sheets of paper, taking care to prepare a legible and… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

Directions: Write a report of your answers on separate sheets of paper, taking care to prepare a legible and organized report. Put your name on your report. Answer questions in order and underline or draw a box around any final numerical answers. Show your work for all answers and include the company name you obtained the data from. Full credit will not be given to answers without work, and partial credit may be given when work is shown. Write any written answers or explanations clearly, and be as neat as possible. You will have to submit your assignment on Canvas. You can embed pictures of your homework in a Word or pdf file. Pro tip: use a scanning app like “Camscanner.” It’s free and it will produce quality pdf files. DUE Wednesday, April 1st, 2020 (11:59 pm) 1. You will need your ticker code (company abbreviation) for stock prices for this question. Use your ticker code to obtain the closing prices for the following two time periods to obtain two data sets: March 2, 2019 to March 16, 2019 Data set A February 16, 2019 to February 28, 2019 Data set B Take the closing prices from data set B and add 0.5 to each one of them. Treat data sets A and B as hypothetical sample level data on the weights of newborns whose parents smoke cigarettes (data set A), and those whose parents do not (data set B). a) Conduct a hypothesis test to compare the variances between the two data sets. b) Conduct a hypothesis to compare the means between the two data sets. Selecting the assumption of equal variance or unequal variance for the calculations should be based on the results of the previous test. c) Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the difference between means. 2. Take data sets A and B and delete duplicated values such that each value is unique even when pooling the two data sets. Just like with the previous problem, treat data sets A and B as hypothetical data on the weights of children whose parents smoke cigarettes, and those whose parents do not, respectively. Conduct a Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test on the data.




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