Write a Java program with the following classes andfunctionality: * class CATestLauncher. Just main(

Write a Java program with the following classes andfunctionality: * class CATestLauncher. Just main( | savvyessaywriters.org

Write a Java program with the following classes andfunctionality: * class CATestLauncher. Just main() method to launch yourapplication * class CATester

Attribute: An array of 10 Students. Private. No getters orsetters.

Method: run CATests(). Creates the 10 students objects and calls doCAs() on each.

Method: printCAResults(). Prints students number, name and CAresult *class Student.

Attribute: Student name and number as Strings. Make private andprovide getters and setters.

Attribute: An array of 5 CA exercise result called caMarks[]. Makeprivate – no getters or setters

Attribute: An integer called caResult to store the average CA mark.Private with getter – no setter.

Method: doCAs(). Generate a random number between 0 and 100 foreach individual member of the caMarks[]

array. Calculate the average CA mark and place in caResult. Attached


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