With accordance with the first law of thermodynamics, an 850kW single-effect absorption chiller… 1 answer below »

With accordance with the first law of thermodynamics, an 850kW single-effect absorption chiller… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

Can you please solve the attached Questions for:

1) Withaccordance with the first law of thermodynamics, an 850kW single effect absorption chiller with a COP of 0.84 will require a heat source of _______ kW and a heat rejection sink of _______ kW

2) Ifyou were to change the absorption chiller specification to a double effect absorption chiller with a COP of 1.33, the heat source requirement would change to be ______ kW to power the cycle and a heat rejection sink of _______ kW would be needed.

3)You have installed a large absorption chiller that provided a chilled water output of 4152kWh in the last 12 months. The electric chiller that this machine replaced operated at an average COP of 4.3. How much electricity did you save in the last 12 months?




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