Which of the following is the best definition of “consciousness”? Question 1 options: A) Your…

Which of the following is the best definition of “consciousness”? Question 1 options: A) Your… | savvyessaywriters.org

Which of the following is the best definition of “consciousness”? Question 1 options: A) Your subjective experience of the world and mind B) Sense of being awake C) Your objective assessment of your own thoughts D) Sense of your own identity SaveQuestion 2 (1 point) The “problem of other minds” refers to our inability to do what? Question 2 options: A) Use objective methods to measure consciousness B) Fully understand our own consciousness C) Communicate adequately with others D) Perceive the consciousness of others SaveQuestion 3 (1 point) Which of the following philosophical ideas is directly related to the issues of consciousness? Question 3 options: A) Man and Machine B) The Noble Savage C) The Blank Slate D) The Mind-Body Problem SaveQuestion 4 (1 point) Consciousness has four qualities. Which of these qualities refers to its resistance to division? Question 4 options: A) Selectivity of consciousness B) Unity of consciousness C) Intentionality of consciousness D) Transience of consciousness SaveQuestion 5 (1 point) Our ability to tune out one message while listening to another is sometimes referred to as Question 5 options: A) dichotic listening. B) shadowing. C) stream of consciousness. D) the cocktail party phenomenon. SaveQuestion 6 (1 point) Human beings don’t appear to have self-recognition until about what age? Question 6 options: A) 18 months B) 1 year C) 2 years D) 36 months SaveQuestion 7 (1 point) Our inability to consciously suppress thoughts may be the result of which phenomenon? Question 7 options: A) Self-consciousness B) Rebound effect C) Mental control D) Minimal consciousness SaveQuestion 8 (1 point) Freud suggested that our psychological apparatus will remove unacceptable thoughts and memories from our consciousness and place them in our unconscious, a process he referred to as Question 8 options: A) id control. B) ego psychology. C) defense mechanisms. D) repression. SaveQuestion 9 (1 point) Which of the following definitions of subliminal perception is correct? Question 9 options: A) A mental process that removes unacceptable thoughts from the unconscious. B) The inability to not think about something when you are commanded to. C) The active system that influences perception of an individual’s world. D) A situation where behavior is influenced by stimuli that a person cannot report perceiving. SaveQuestion 10 (1 point) Approximately, how long is our circadian rhythm? Question 10 options: A) 20 hours B) 24 hours C) 12 hours D) 36 hours SaveQuestion 11 (1 point) Which stage of sleep is marked by theta waves? Question 11 options: A) Stage 4 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 1 D) Stage 3 SaveQuestion 12 (1 point) Which of the following statements about REM sleep is true? Question 12 options: A) You only dream during the REM stage of sleep. B) The REM Stage of sleep is marked by delta waves. C) REM sleep is characterized by a high level of brain activity. D) We go through one period of REM sleep a night. SaveQuestion 13 (1 point) Another name for the sleep disorder somnambulism is Question 13 options: A) snoring. B) apnea. C) insomnia. D) sleepwalking. SaveQuestion 14 (1 point) Which theory proposes that dreams are produced by the mind’s attempts to make sense of random neural events? Question 14 options: A) Creative-synthesis model B) Night terrors C) Freudian theory D) Activation-synthesis model SaveQuestion 15 (1 point) Which type of drug is associated with expectancy theory? Question 15 options: A) Narcotics B) Marijuana C) Alcohol D) Hallucinogens SaveQuestion 16 (1 point) Which drug mimics the effects of the neurotransmitter endorphin? Question 16 options: A) Hallucinogens B) Stimulants C) Narcotics D) Barbiturates SaveQuestion 17 (1 point) Which of the following would make you a good candidate for hypnosis? Question 17 options: A) Habitual drug use B) Extraverted personality C) Vivid imagination D) Low intelligence SaveQuestion 18 (1 point) Hypnosis has been very successful in the treatment of which of the following problems? Question 18 options: A) Recall of past lives B) Pain reduction C) Enhancement of mental abilities D) Retrieval of lost memories SaveQuestion 19 (1 point) Which area of the brain appears to be involved in hypnosis? Question 19 options: A) Anterior frontal lobe B) Anterior cingulate cortex C) Fusiform gyrus D) Tegumentum SaveQuestion 20 (1 point) Which sleep disorder occurs most often in children? Question 20 options: A) night terrors B) insomnia C) narcolepsy D) sleep apnea

Which of the following is the best definition of “consciousness”? Question 1 options: A) Your subjective experience of the world and mind B) Sense of being awake C) Your objective assessment of your own thoughts D) Sense of your own identity SaveQuestion 2 (1 point) The “problem of other minds” refers to our inability to do what? Question 2 options: A) Use objective methods to measure consciousness B) Fully understand our own consciousness C) Communicate adequately with others D) Perceive the consciousness of others SaveQuestion 3 (1 point) Which of the following philosophical ideas is directly related to the issues of consciousness? Question 3 options: A) Man and Machine B) The Noble Savage C) The Blank Slate D) The Mind-Body Problem SaveQuestion 4 (1 point) Consciousness has four qualities. Which of these qualities refers to its resistance to division? Question 4 options: A) Selectivity of consciousness B) Unity of consciousness C) Intentionality of consciousness D) Transience of consciousness SaveQuestion 5 (1 point) Our ability to tune out one message while listening to another is sometimes referred to as Question 5 options: A) dichotic listening. B) shadowing. C) stream of consciousness. D) the cocktail party phenomenon. SaveQuestion 6 (1 point) Human beings don’t appear to have self-recognition until about what age? Question 6 options: A) 18 months B) 1 year C) 2 years D) 36 months SaveQuestion 7 (1 point) Our inability to consciously suppress thoughts may be the result of which phenomenon? Question 7 options: A) Self-consciousness B) Rebound effect C) Mental control D) Minimal consciousness SaveQuestion 8 (1 point) Freud suggested that our psychological apparatus will remove unacceptable thoughts and memories from our consciousness and place them in our unconscious, a process he referred to as Question 8 options: A) id control. B) ego psychology. C) defense mechanisms. D) repression. SaveQuestion 9 (1 point) Which of the following definitions of subliminal perception is correct? Question 9 options: A) A mental process that removes unacceptable thoughts from the unconscious. B) The inability to not think about something when you are commanded to. C) The active system that influences perception of an individual’s world. D) A situation where behavior is influenced by stimuli that a person cannot report perceiving. SaveQuestion 10 (1 point) Approximately, how long is our circadian rhythm? Question 10 options: A) 20 hours B) 24 hours C) 12 hours D) 36 hours SaveQuestion 11 (1 point) Which stage of sleep is marked by theta waves? Question 11 options: A) Stage 4 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 1 D) Stage 3 SaveQuestion 12 (1 point) Which of the following statements about REM sleep is true? Question 12 options: A) You only dream during the REM stage of sleep. B) The REM Stage of sleep is marked by delta waves. C) REM sleep is characterized by a high level of brain activity. D) We go through one period of REM sleep a night. SaveQuestion 13 (1 point) Another name for the sleep disorder somnambulism is Question 13 options: A) snoring. B) apnea. C) insomnia. D) sleepwalking. SaveQuestion 14 (1 point) Which theory proposes that dreams are produced by the mind’s attempts to make sense of random neural events? Question 14 options: A) Creative-synthesis model B) Night terrors C) Freudian theory D) Activation-synthesis model SaveQuestion 15 (1 point) Which type of drug is associated with expectancy theory? Question 15 options: A) Narcotics B) Marijuana C) Alcohol D) Hallucinogens SaveQuestion 16 (1 point) Which drug mimics the effects of the neurotransmitter endorphin? Question 16 options: A) Hallucinogens B) Stimulants C) Narcotics D) Barbiturates SaveQuestion 17 (1 point) Which of the following would make you a good candidate for hypnosis? Question 17 options: A) Habitual drug use B) Extraverted personality C) Vivid imagination D) Low intelligence SaveQuestion 18 (1 point) Hypnosis has been very successful in the treatment of which of the following problems? Question 18 options: A) Recall of past lives B) Pain reduction C) Enhancement of mental abilities D) Retrieval of lost memories SaveQuestion 19 (1 point) Which area of the brain appears to be involved in hypnosis? Question 19 options: A) Anterior frontal lobe B) Anterior cingulate cortex C) Fusiform gyrus D) Tegumentum SaveQuestion 20 (1 point) Which sleep disorder occurs most often in children? Question 20 options: A) night terrors B) insomnia C) narcolepsy D) sleep apnea



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