What problems do you see with an approach to crime that relies on deterrence and notions posited… 1 answer below »

What problems do you see with an approach to crime that relies on deterrence and notions posited… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

Individual and social structural perspective on deviance and crime. answer the following questions (no more than three pages):

  1. What problems do you see with an approach to crime that relies on deterrence and notions posited by the classical school of criminology? Why? Can they be remedied?
  2. What political and/or social factors do you think are responsible for “periodic resurgences” of biological explanations of crime?
  3. Which of the perspectives on deviance and crime you learned about this far do you find most valid and/or useful? Why? And which do you find the least valid and/or useful? Why?


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