What is one of the issues with the new 199A deduction? How does Andrea describe Section 1231…

What is one of the issues with the new 199A deduction? How does Andrea describe Section 1231… | savvyessaywriters.org

1. What is one of the issues with the new 199A deduction? 2. How does Andrea describe Section 1231 gains and losses? 3. What does Andrea say about a Section 1231 gain? 4. What does Andrea say about the flip side, a Section 1231 loss? [It’s really “net” … which she stresses later in the podcast] 5. How does she describe this tax provision? 6. What question has arisen regarding these gains and losses? 7. Andrea identifies the types of assets that result in Section 1231 gains and losses. What are those assets? 8. What requirement must be met for these assets to be Section 1231 assets? 9. The 199A deduction is meant to give a 20% deduction for what? 10. Andrea says at first glance, it would seem that the Section 1231 gains and losses should be _____________ in business income. 11. However, the 199A deduction was not intended to do what? 12. What type of gain does Andrea use as an example of income qualifying for reduced tax rates? 13. The law was written so qualified business income could not exceed what amount? [Remember, the deduction is 20% x the lower of QBI or taxable income subtotal. She is talking about the taxable income subtotal. Lowering the taxable income subtotal makes it more likely the deduction will be lowered.] 14. She says the conclusion of law writers was … If the Section 1231 gains and losses are treated as a disposition of a capital asset, then they are ______________in QBI (TI subtotal) calculation. 15. However… If the Section 1231 gains and losses are not treated as a disposition of a capital asset, then they are ____________ in the QBI (TI subtotal) calculation. 16. If you combine all the Section 1231 gains and losses into one net number, how is a positive number treated? 17. On the flip side, if you combine all the Section 1231 gains and losses into one net number, how is a loss treated? 18. A gain on a specific trade or business property 1231 asset can be treated as _______________ because netted amounts are _____________. 19. All your Section 1231 gains and losses are going to all be classified how? 20. What does the answer depend on?




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