What is a trans fat in the chemical sense? – How are artificial trans fats made from unsaturated…

What is a trans fat in the chemical sense? – How are artificial trans fats made from unsaturated… | savvyessaywriters.org

1. What is a trans fat in the chemical sense? 2. How are artificial trans fats made from unsaturated fats? Include the name of the chemical reaction in your answer. 3. Why are trans fats bad for one’s health? 4. How do you avoid trans fats in your diet? 5. Based on what you have learned in this chapter and in the cdc handout, do you agree with the FDA ban on trans fats? Why or why not? 6. Do you think that Federal, state, and city authorities should regulate our consumption of other types of food and drink, such as sodas that contain a large amount of sugar? Give support for your answer.




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