week 1 media

week 1 media | savvyessaywriters.org

watch the video link “Albert Bandura s Social Cognitive Theory and Vicarious Learning. found in youtubehttps://youtu.be/UbruJh0MODIAfter you watch the video: (1) write about whether or not youagree with the premise of the theory;(2) discuss whether or not you think that it is the best way, accurate way to explainthe influence of the media, and(3) why? What is your reasoning?Look for other supportive sources. From the theories, pick (1) that you think is just asreasonable or is a better way of explaining the influence of themedia. Explain why you think the “other” explanation is justas good if not bettercite sources and list references using APA format an 1.5 to 2 pages -no plagerism


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