Utilization tools are an essential component of in the assessment of building strategies for…

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Implementation Strategies for Community Programs for Health Promotion

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Implementation Strategies for Community Programs for Health Promotion


The main needs that Harris Community County requires in the diabetes mellitus community program are education awareness and access to health care. The main facilitator towards for these two requirements is the acquisition of the right language, Spanish. The community also requires funds and other resources that can be utilized during the process of DM health care promotion. Therefore, promoting professionals that have adequate knowledge in Spanish will be the key bearers and will promote the successful execution of the need of the community in this project (Hernandez, 2011).

Explanations for the Intervention methods

Incorporation of Spanish health care experts in this community project is essential. Due to high rates of Spanish speaking individuals, as a measure of intervention, incorporating Spanish speakers will be helpful based on the fact that, most of the tests, educations, and exercise sessions will be handling individuals that speak mainly Spanish. It will be of no importance to promote education in a language that cannot be understood by the affected group. Identification of risk factors, screening, and the treatment of DM are part of the intervention program and can also be carried out effectively through the incorporation of the Spanish speakers (Hernandez, 2011).

Education as an intervention method will be important for Harris County. Some individuals are not aware of DM as a common problem that has affected the individuals in this community. It will be important to educate every individual in this community so that the intended goals are achieved. The community will need to be told the reasons that lead to the development of DM and the measures that should be taken in order to reduce similar preventable conditions in the near future. Thus, education and creation of awareness as intervention methods are vital to the success of this community project. Education will not only equip the community with the required knowledge but also act as a tool for diabetes mellitus control in this community (Hernandez, 2011).

Provision of the right resources is the key driver for this project. Without resourceful persons like the Spanish speakers and the required testing kits and exercise equipment, it will not be possible to implement the program as earlier planned. Sourcing out for funding options is the best option for an activity that has already been identified to be part of the project. Allocation of resources and funds will reduce the rate of conflicts that may exist between the exercising sessions and the education and awareness sessions. Allocation of resources will also enhance the set method for an intervention in the promotion of non-fast food restaurants. This will contribute towards realizing the goals of the project (Ickes, & Sharma, 2012).

The use of motivational programs will facilitate quick response from the community. Harris community has to be given motivations in order to embrace the program. Giving the right equipment for doing exercises and pamphlets for promoting education will encourage the community to learn more and also leave their bad eating habits. It is not possible to convince a community affected by DM to exercise without any equipment provided for a start program (Ickes, & Sharma, 2012).

Challenges that May be Experienced

While sourcing for the funds as an intervention strategy, it the funds may take more time than the scheduled time. In this scenario, there are agencies that the project will register with for loans that are to be paid back immediately the funds are received. This will ensure that the project runs smoothly within the scheduled time. Mobilization of the community groups to the planned venues may be a problem. The community should be made aware of the project through adverts, posters and memos two weeks before the project kicks off (Meresman et al.).


Conclusively, the major implementation and intervention measures are education promotion, sourcing out for funds and resources, offering motivational experiences and searching for Spanish speaking community. This will effectively execute the goals of the program. However, resources and funding may be a problem, and prior considerations must be made.


Hernandez, B. L. M. (2011). Foundation concepts of global community health promotion and education. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Ickes, M. J., & Sharma, M. (2012). A systematic review of physical activity interventions in Hispanic adults.Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 1–15.

Meresman, S., Furio, V. J., Pan American Health Organization., & Education Development Center. (2009). Health promotion, schools and community: Observations and lessons from the Ibero-American experience. Washington, D.C: Pan American Health Organization, Regional Office of the World Health Organization.

Community Needs, Barriers, and Resources

Reflection on Community Needs, Barriers and Resources

Utilization tools are an essential component of in the assessment of building strategies for community needs. The basic tools for assessment include state windshield, state report cards and communal health records. Access to care and education on DMII are the key needs of the Harris community county and thus should be given a priority. The challenges predicted for the promotion are more likely to be based the environmental factors, inadequate education and knowledge concerning DMII and language barriers.

The most outstanding barriers within Harris County could be inadequate education and knowledge based on DMII. Due to little of knowledge amongst the community members, implementing and improving health behaviour outcomes may be a challenge. This is based on the fact that, most individuals without the knowledge on DMII are likely to ignore the condition. Moreover, due to the language spoken in this region, reaching the targeted group may not be possible.

The individuals may disregard the call for care and the needs of the community due to misunderstanding due to language barrier. In as much as there is inadequate knowledge on DMII, the culture of fast foods with less frequency of exercises may also be a barrier to improving the health community. This is because, it can be very difficult to penetrate a culture and break some normal practices in a community. Therefore, inadequate education leading to the cultural practices and language barriers are the key barriers that may hinder improving the intended outcomes of health behaviour in Harris Community County.

The community resources in this community are inadequate, but support groups and health workers may be the biggest resources present for correctional behaviour and the minimization of the health risk behaviours. Through groups like schools, health care facilities and workers and religious organizations, education can be easily conducted in the Spanish speaking community. The main advantage of using the groups as a resource is that, a larger group of community members will be reached, and changes may be realized in the end. Due to the large presence of fields that are not in use, the fields can also be improvised easily so that, the cost of purchasing exercising materials is reduced. The fields can act as a good exercise ground to impact positively on DMII health status of the Harris community.

However, the resources are not adequate, and there should be other resources incorporated into the project. First, ensuring that all the health care facilities are well equipped with screening test kits is essential. This is because; it will be easier to convince the community members to attend to their local health facilities when compared to inviting the community members for checkups at a stand initiated by the group. However, the group’s stand may also aid in encouraging tests as some members respond better to strangers as compared to the common service providers.

Moreover, resources such as practice equipments will also aid in the promotion of a health community in Harris County. It is important also to consider developing handouts to be given to the health care facilities and also advertise the events to be conducted via social media sites as this may attract a larger group of members. Finances are crucial for any project development and, therefore, seeking governmental finance support groups may aid in promoting DMII education. Thus, it is vital to consider test kits and practice facilities for improved DMII conditions in Harris Community County.


Green, J., & Tones, K. (2010).Health promotion: Planning and strategies(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Mary Ann Stark, C. C. (2010). Barriers to Health Promotion in Community Dwelling Elders. Journal of Community Health Nursing , 176-185.

Stark, M. A., Chase, C., &DeYoung, A. (2010).Barriers to health promotion in community dwelling elders.Journal of Community Health Nursing,27(4), 175–186.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Timmerman, G. M. (2007). Addressing barriers to health promotion in underserved women.Family & Community Health,30(1), S34–S42. Retrieved fromhttp://ift.tt/2A3QDW7.

Zandee, G. L., Bossenbroek, D., Slager, D., & Gordon, B. (2013). Teams of Community Health Workers and Nursing Students Effect Health Promotion of Underserved Urban Neighborhoods.Public Health Nursing,30(5), 439-447.doi:10.1111/phn.12031

Discussion Week 9

Implementation strategies to apply a conceptualized project within a community need to consider specific community barriers in healthcare. Harris County, Texas has a high population of Latino residents who speak Spanish as a primary language. Therefore, implementation of a project would need to consider this communication barrier when selecting a strategy or method of implementing a healthcare focused topic. This consideration would allow more residents to be reached and possible education sharing among community members (Green, & Tones, 2010).

Community Needs and Barriers

Healthcare education in regards to diabetes treatment and management is a large community need in Harris County, Texas. There is a significant language barrier for communication efforts due to almost half of the residents living in Harris County speaking Spanish as their primary language. For providers speaking English as a primary language, educating these patient can be challenging. By including the Spanish language in educational materials and translators in personalized education efforts, it is hoped that these community members who have been left out of diabetes education can now be included, thereby decreasing their risk of chronic disease later in life.

Implementation Strategy

A healthcare fair with diabetes as the focus topic was selected as the community project implementation strategy to increase knowledge within Harris County, Texas. The fair would have self-filled questionnaires regarding diabetes education to assess for baseline knowledge and deficits, with one side being written in English and the other side written in Spanish. Booths would be set up with select topic education, and participants would visit the booth they need based off of their baseline needs. Topics of booths would include; nutritional and dietary restrictions, screening information, treatment options, risk factors of development, height and weight to allow for BMI calculations, blood pressure readings and blood glucose readings. Each booth would have a healthcare provider and Spanish speaking volunteer to assist in translating information. Take home education would also be offered in an attempt to reach those who could not attend the fair. Pamphlets would include the previous information and again will have the English language written on one side and Spanish language written on the other.

Possible Challenges and How to Mitigate Challenges

Possible challenges we may face could include not having as many volunteers as we would like and community members having limited transportation to attend the fair. Ways to mitigate these challenges could include having booths open during rotating time frames or combining two or more booths. For instance, the same booth that takes the patient’s blood pressure could also collect a blood glucose reading. Also, transportation could be addressed by having the fair in an area that provides public transportation, is in an active part of town that many people can walk to and the take-home pamphlets will held reach these individuals as well.


The needs of this community have been identified and reviewed in addition to barriers of implementation. Training volunteers and evaluating project impact would need to be done to assure all of the healthcare partners are consistent in their implementation of the project(Villarruel, 2010). The participants of the fair could also be assessed on their increased knowledge base at the end of the fair to assess their learning curve.


Green, J., & Tones, K. (2010).Health promotion: Planning and strategies(2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage

Ickes, M. J., & Sharma, M. (2012). A systematic review of physical activity interventions in Hispanic adults.Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 1–15.

Villarruel, A. M., Gal, T. L., Eakins, B. L., Wilkes, A., & Herbst, J. H. (2010). From research to practice: The importance of community collaboration in the translation process.Research & Theory for Nursing Practice,24(1), 25–34.

The post Finally, explain whether there are community resources designed to address these community needs and help patients overcome these barriers and minimize risk behaviors (i.e., health promotion media, handouts, support groups,


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