Understanding Job Analysis

Understanding Job Analysis | savvyessaywriters.org

The website for this assignment is hosted by the Department of Labor. It has been included in this course, because it is a database that contains comprehensive information on job requirements and worker competencies. (O*NET replaced the Dictionary of Occupational Titles [DOT]. Human resource professionals frequently used the DOT in the past in the performance of their work.)

Here are several tips for successfully completing this case study.

  • Explore the site fully as explained, and feel free to do further exploration beyond the steps that are required to get a full understanding of the utility of this site.
  • Be sure to answer each question and fully explore your thoughts. Point deductions will be made for incomplete answers.
  • Your answer for EACH question must be within the range of 250 to 350 words (use MS Word’s word count feature on the Review tab to ensure that your answer is not too brief or too verbose). Be sure to answer each question fully, because you are subject to point deductions for incomplete answers. Use 1.5 line spacing. Please remember that you will be using information supporting your position from sources such as textbook, articles, and the Internet. You MUST use proper APA citations and references. I want to read YOUR thoughts on these questions.
  1. How easy was it to find the specific occupation you were looking for, and how comprehensive was the information provided about that occupation?
  2. What did you think of the occupations O*NET suggested as matching your skills? Was the occupation you are in or preparing for among those listed?
  3. As an HR professional, how could O*NET be useful in conducting a job analysis? Explain specifically how you would use the data from this site to assist your organization.
  4. As a director of human resources, would you have your staff use this site? Why or why not?


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