u6 fund of osh four 250 word essays

Each essay must be at least 250 words in length. Each essay must include at a minimum an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Each essay requires at least 2 references: The textbook ( Asfahl, C. R., & Rieske, D. W. (2010).Industrial safety and health management(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. A scanned searchable .pdf can be found athttp://sdrv.ms/1gykA5c.  The current chapters of focus for these essay questions are chapters 10-12)and one outside source must be used as source material for the response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA Format.

Question 1

  You are on the design team for building an overhead bridge crane for use in-house within the company. The design team is considering a proposal to place a switch box on the wall with toggle on/off switches for control of the bridge, trolley, and hoist, respectively. What would be your design input to this committee? Explain the rationale behind your recommendations.

Question 2

  Summarize general hazards of machines with specific emphasis on the concepts of safeguarding by location or distance.

Question 3

  At least four general characteristics of materials handling contribute to its intrinsic hazard potential. Name and explain four such characteristics. Provide some examples of each.

Question 4

 Define the three principle facets of fire protection, and identify the four classes of fires and the appropriate methods for extinguishing each.