Two solid steel shafts are connected by the gears shown in Fig. P6.40. The design requirements… 1 answer below »

Two solid steel shafts are connected by the gears shown in Fig. P6.40. The design requirements… 1 answer below » |

Two solid steel shafts are connected by the gears shown in Fig. P6.40. The design requirements for the system require (1) that both shafts must have the same diameter, (2) that the maximum shear stress in each shaft must be less than 6,000 psi, and (3) that the rotation angle of gear D must not exceed 3°. Determine the minimum required diameter of the shafts if the torque applied at gear D is TD = 345 lb-ft. The shaft lengths are L1 = 10 ft and L2 = 8 ft. Assume that the shear modulus of both shafts is G = 12,000 ksi and that the bearings shown allow free rotation of the shafts.


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