Trading restrictions imposed on specific stocks or stock indices are referred to asQuestion 1 option

Trading restrictions imposed on specific stocks or stock indices are referred to asQuestion 1 option |

Trading restrictions imposed on specific stocks or stock indices are referred to asQuestion 1 options:a)index busters.b)index options.c)circuit breakers.d)protective covenants.SaveQuestion 2 (4 points) Question 2 UnsavedA bond index futures contract allows for the buying, but not the selling, of a bond index for a specified price at a specified date.Question 2 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 3 (4 points) Question 3 UnsavedThe futures price is mainly a function of the prevailing price of the underlying security plus an expected adjustment in that price by the settlement date.Question 3 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 4 (4 points) Question 4 UnsavedThe profits of a financial institution with interest-rate sensitive liabilities and interest rate-insensitive assets are ____ with hedging than without hedging if interest rates decrease.Question 4 options:a)higherb)the samec)lowerd)higher or the sameSaveQuestion 5 (4 points) Question 5 UnsavedSpeculators purchase currency ____ on currencies they expect to ____ against the dollar.Question 5 options:a)call options; weakenb)put options; strengthenc)futures; weakend)put options; weakenSaveQuestion 6 (4 points) Question 6 UnsavedAn increase in uncertainty results in a higher implied standard deviation for the stock, which means that the writer of an option requires a higher premium to compensate for the anticipated increase in the stock’s volatility.Question 6 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 7 (4 points) Question 7 UnsavedThe greater the volatility of the underlying stock, the ____ the call option premium and the ____ the put option premium.Question 7 options:a)higher; lowerb)lower; higherc)higher; higherd)lower; lowerSaveQuestion 8 (4 points) Question 8 UnsavedA speculator purchases a put option for a premium of $4, with an exercise price of $30. The stock is presently priced at $29, and rises to $32 before the expiration date. What is the stock price at which the speculator would break even?Question 8 options:a)$26b)$34c)$28d)$29e)$32SaveQuestion 9 (4 points) Question 9 UnsavedA plain vanilla swap enables firms to exchange ____ for ____.Question 9 options:a)fixed rate payments; variable interest rate paymentsb)a high interest rate foreign currency; a low interest rate foreign currencyc)a low interest rate foreign currency; a high interest rate foreign currencyd)bonds; stocks that pay dividendsSaveQuestion 10 (4 points) Question 10 UnsavedAn interest rate collar involves the purchase of an interest rate cap and the simultaneously sale of an interest rate floor.Question 10 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 11 (4 points) Question 11 UnsavedIn a(n) ____ swap, the fixed-rate payer makes a single payment at the maturity date of the swap agreement, while the floating-rate payer makes periodic payments throughout the swap period.Question 11 options:a)rate-cappedb)zero-coupon-for-floatingc)extendabled)callableSaveQuestion 12 (4 points) Question 12 UnsavedAn interest rate collar represents the ____ of an interest rate cap and a simultaneous ____ of an interest rate floor.Question 12 options:a)sale; saleb)sale; purchasec)purchase; purchased)purchase; saleSaveQuestion 13 (4 points) Question 13 UnsavedWhen the Federal Reserve attempt to lower interest rates by increasing the U.S. money supply, it puts upward pressure on the value of the dollar.Question 13 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 14 (4 points) Question 14 UnsavedA country that pegs its currency does not have complete control over its local interest rates, as its interest rates must be aligned with the interest rates of the currency to which it is tied.Question 14 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 15 (4 points) Question 15 UnsavedThe exchange rate between two foreign (nondollar) currencies is known as a(n):Question 15 options:a)indirect dollar rate.b)forward rate.c)cross-exchange rate.d)derived exchange rate.SaveQuestion 16 (4 points) Question 16 UnsavedCurrency futures contracts differ from forward contracts in that theyQuestion 16 options:a)are an obligation.b)are not an obligation.c)are standardized.d)can specify any amount and maturity date.SaveQuestion 17 (4 points) Question 17 UnsavedFor any given bank, federal funds ____ represent a(n) ____.Question 17 options:a)purchased; assetb)sold; liabilityc)purchased; liabilityd)A and BSaveQuestion 18 (4 points) Question 18 UnsavedObtaining funds through ____ is not a common source of funds for banks to satisfy a temporary deficiency of funds?Question 18 options:a)issuing bondsb)the federal funds marketc)repurchase agreementsd)borrowing from the Federal ReserveSaveQuestion 19 (4 points) Question 19 UnsavedThe Federal Reserve provides loans to banks in order toQuestion 19 options:a)resolve permanent shortages of funds experienced by banks.b)resolve temporary shortages of funds experienced by banks.c)finance the shortages of funds of finance companies.d)none of the aboveSaveQuestion 20 (4 points) Question 20 UnsavedAs a source of funds, small banks rely more heavily on ____, and larger banks rely more heavily on ____.Question 20 options:a)time deposits and foreign deposits; savings deposits and short-term borrowingsb)savings deposits and short-term borrowings; foreign deposits and time depositsc)savings and time deposits; foreign deposits and short-term borrowingsd)foreign deposits and short-term borrowings; savings and time depositsSaveQuestion 21 (4 points) Question 21 UnsavedThe key reason for regulatory examinations (such as CAMELS ratings) is toQuestion 21 options:a)rate past performance.b)detect problems of a bank in time to correct them.c)check for embezzlement.d)monitor reserve requirements.SaveQuestion 22 (4 points) Question 22 UnsavedBank regulations typically:Question 22 options:a)involve a tradeoff between the safety of the banking system and the efficiency of bank operations.b)impose restrictions on the types of assets in which banks can invest.c)set requirements for the minimum amount of capital that banks must hold.d)all of the aboveSaveQuestion 23 (4 points) Question 23 UnsavedWhich of the following is not a specific criterion the FDIC uses to monitor banks?Question 23 options:a)capital adequacyb)dollar value of fixed assetsc)asset qualityd)earningse)sensitivity to financial market conditionsSaveQuestion 24 (4 points) Question 24 UnsavedWhich banking act allowed for the creation of NOW accounts?Question 24 options:a)McFadden Actb)Glass-Steagall Actc)DIDMCAd)Garn-St. Germain ActSaveQuestion 25 (4 points) Question 25 UnsavedAn effective way to align bank managers’ interests with shareholders’ goal of higher returns is to compensate the managers with fixed salaries without a bonus.Question 25 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 26 (4 points) Question 26 UnsavedFloating-rate loans completely eliminate interest rate risk.Question 26 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 27 (4 points) Question 27 Unsaved____ is not a method used to assess interest rate risk.Question 27 options:a)Gap analysisb)Ratio analysisc)Duration analysisd)Regression analysise)All of the above are methods to assess interest rate risk.SaveQuestion 28 (4 points) Question 28 UnsavedA gap ratio of less than one suggests thatQuestion 28 options:a)rate-sensitive assets exceed rate-sensitive liabilities.b)an increase in interest rates would increase the bank’s net interest margin.c)rate-sensitive liabilities exceed rate-sensitive assets.d)a decrease in interest rates would decrease the bank’s net interest margin.e)B and DSaveQuestion 29 (4 points) Question 29 UnsavedDuring the credit crisis, the level of ____ was much higher than in other periods.Question 29 options:a)interest incomeb)income expensesc)noninterest expensesd)loan loss provisionSaveQuestion 30 (4 points) Question 30 UnsavedSmall banks tend to make more loans to small local businesses, and the rates on these loans are typically lower than the rates that larger banks charge on the loans they provide to large businesses.Question 30 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 31 (4 points) Question 31 UnsavedAccess to a bank’s ROA without any other information reveals when its performance is not up to par and the reasons for its poor performance.Question 31 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 32 (4 points) Question 32 UnsavedBank X obtains most of its funds from NCDs, while Bank Y obtains much of its funds from passbook savings and from demand deposit accounts. Given this information, the net interest margin of Bank X would likely be ____ than that of Bank Y, and noninterest expenses would likely be ____ than that of Bank Y.Question 32 options:a)greater; greaterb)greater; lessc)less; lessd)less; greaterSaveQuestion 33 (4 points) Question 33 UnsavedDuring the credit crisis of 2008–2009:Question 33 options:a)the Resolution Trust Corporation was formed to deal with insolvent savings institutions.b)several large savings institutions failed, including Countrywide Financial and Washington Mutual.c)savings institutions were insulated because their regulator subsidized any of them that experienced large loan defaults.d)the main problem for savings institutions was exposure to interest rate risk.SaveQuestion 34 (4 points) Question 34 UnsavedUnder the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), all federally chartered savings institutions are to be regulated by the Federal Reserve, so these savings institutions no longer have an incentive to go regulator shopping.Question 34 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 35 (4 points) Question 35 UnsavedCheckable accounts offered by credit unions are calledQuestion 35 options:a)NOW accounts.b)money market deposit accounts.c)share certificates.d)share drafts.SaveQuestion 36 (4 points) Question 36 UnsavedTo obtain short-term funds, savings institutions commonly borrow funds in the ____ market.Question 36 options:a)stockb)bondc)mortgaged)federal fundse)futuresSaveQuestion 37 (4 points) Question 37 UnsavedWhich of the following statements is incorrect?Question 37 options:a)A captive finance subsidiary’s purpose is to finance sales of the parent company’s products and services.b)An operating agreement between the parent and the captive specifies the type of receivables that qualify for same and specific services provided by the parent.c)A captive can be used to finance distributor or dealer inventories until a sale occurs.d)A captive is rarely used to finance products leased to others.SaveQuestion 38 (4 points) Question 38 Unsaved____ finance companies concentrate on purchasing credit contracts from retailers and dealers.Question 38 options:a)Consumerb)Salesc)Commerciald)None of the aboveSaveQuestion 39 (4 points) Question 39 UnsavedAlthough commercial paper is available only for short-term financing, finance companies can continually roll over their issues to create a permanent source of funds.Question 39 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 40 (4 points) Question 40 UnsavedFinance companies participate in the ____ market to reduce interest rate risk.Question 40 options:a)moneyb)bondc)optionsd)swapSaveQuestion 41 (4 points) Question 41 Unsaved____ are not exchange-traded funds.Question 41 options:a)Spidersb)Growth mutual fundsc)Diamondsd)Sector SpidersSaveQuestion 42 (4 points) Question 42 UnsavedThe number of exchange-traded funds has declined over the last several years because the cost of managing them was excessive.Question 42 options:a) Trueb) FalseSaveQuestion 43 (4 points) Question 43 UnsavedMutual funds composed of stocks that have potential for very high growth, but may also be unproven, are calledQuestion 43 options:a)income funds.b)capital appreciation funds.c)specialty funds.d)dividend funds.SaveQuestion 44 (4 points) Question 44 UnsavedBecause ____ real estate investment trusts essentially represent a fixed income portfolio, their market value will ____ as interest rates increase.Question 44 options:a)equity; increaseb)equity; decreasec)mortgage; increased)mortgage; decreaseSaveQuestion 45 (4 points) Question 45 UnsavedThe ____ offers insurance on cash and securities deposited at brokerage firms.Question 45 options:a)Federal Reserveb)New York Stock Exchangec)Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC)d)Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)SaveQuestion 46 (4 points) Question 46 UnsavedSecurities firms commonly perform all of the following functions except for _____ when facilitating a secondary stock offering.Question 46 options:a)originationb)underwriting stockc)distribution of stockd)its own purchase of at least 20 percent of the offeringSaveQuestion 47 (4 points) Question 47 UnsavedFunds received from a bridge loan are commonly used toQuestion 47 options:a)purchase junk bonds.b)purchase high-grade corporate bonds.c)provide temporary financing for an acquisition.d)provide financing for individual investors that wish to purchase Treasury bonds.SaveQuestion 48 (4 points) Question 48 UnsavedWhen the stock market is depressed, stock transactions tend to decline, causing a reduction in business for securities firms. This is an example of ____ risk.Question 48 options:a)interest rateb)creditc)marketd)exchange rateSaveQuestion 49 (4 points) Question 49 UnsavedA ____ plan allows a firm to know with certainty the amount of funds to contribute. The ____ plan allows a firm to know with certainty the amount of benefits that must be provided.Question 49 options:a)defined benefit; defined benefitb)defined contribution; defined contributionc)defined contribution; defined benefitd)defined benefit; defined contributionSaveQuestion 50 (4 points) Question 50 UnsavedWhich of the following is not a difference between PC insurance and life insurance?Question 50 options:a)PC policies often last ten years or more, as opposed to the short-term life insurance policies.b)PC insurance encompasses a wide variety of activities, while life insurance is more focused.c)Forecasting the amount of future compensation to be paid is more difficult for PC insurance than for life insurance.d)All of the above are differences between PC insurance and life insurance.


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