Title of article in APA format: Complete the following information. Be specific in your.

Title of article in APA format: Complete the following information. Be specific in your. | savvyessaywriters.org

Title of article in APA format:
Complete the following information. Be specific in your responses. You must present a rationale for ALL items. No yes or no responses are accepted. It is unacceptable for you to copy and paste information from the study. This is to be your own interpretation of the study critiqued and synthesis of research content.
This is a critical analysis of the article. Copying of information from the article with no analysis or rationale will not be accepted. If there are areas the author did not address, you are expected to give potential research questions, hypotheses etc.
1. Design

Item Response
a. What is the design? Explain the design. Is the study design identified?
b. Is the design used in the study the most appropriate to obtain the needed data? Why or why not?
c. Does the design provide a means to examine all of the objectives, questions or hypotheses? Give a rationale for your response.
d. Are the threats to validity of the design described? What are they? Elaborate on them.

2. Research Problem and Purpose.

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Item Response
a. What is the study purpose?
b. Does the purpose narrow and clarify the focus of the problem to be studied and identify the research variable, subjects and setting? Give a rationale for your response.

3. The Literature Review.

Item Response
a. Is there a specific literature review section for the research study Give a rationale for your response.
b. Does the literature review provide rationale and a context for the study? Give a rationale for your response.

4. Study Framework.

Item Response
a. Is the framework explicitly expressed or must the reviewer extract the framework from implicit statements in the literature review? Give a rationale for your response.
b. Does the framework describe and define the concepts of interest, relate them to the variables of the study, and show relationships between the concepts discussed? Give a rationale for your response.
c. If stated isWhat is the objective,  the framework appropriate, and does it relate to nursing? Why or why not?
d. If not stated, what nursing framework would be appropriate for this study, and why?

5. Research Objective, Questions, Hypothesis.

Item Response
a. What are the objectives, questions and/or hypotheses for the study?
b. Are the objectives, questions, and/or hypotheses appropriately linked to the research purpose and study framework? Give a rationale for your response.

6. Variables.

Item Response
a. What are the study variables?
b. Identify the dependent, independent and/or research variables.
c. Are the variables defined based on previous research and/or theories? Give a rationale for your response.
d. Is the conceptual definition of a variable consistent with the operational definition? Give a rationale for your response.
e. Is the framework logically linked with the research purpose, variables, and objectives or hypotheses? Give a rationale for your response.

7. Sample, Population and Setting.

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Item Response
a. What is the sample/population and setting?
b. What is the sampling method? Is the sampling method adequate to produce a representative sample? Give a rationale for your response.
c. What is the sample size? Is the sample size sufficient? Why or why not?
d. If more that one group is used, how were they assigned? Was this the most appropriate method to use? Why or why not?
e. How were the rights of human subjects protected? Give a rationale for your response.
f. Can study findings be generalized? Why or why not.
g. Are there potential biases in the study? Why do you feel these are biases?

8. Measurements

Item Response
a. What instruments were used for the study?
b. Are the instruments sufficiently sensitive to detect small difference between subjects? Why or why not?
c. Is the instrument reliability and validity adequate for this study? Why or why not? (present information from Cronbach’s alpha if presented)

9. Data Analysis.

Item Response
a. What data analysis procedures were used (what specific statistical tests were used)?
b. Explain why each test in 9.a. was appropriate.
c. Were the results presented in an understandable way? Give a rationale for your response.
d. Did data analysis address questions and/or hypotheses of the study? Give a rationale for your response.
e. Were the analyses interpreted clearly and correctly? Give a rationale for your response.

10.  Interpretation of Findings.

Item Response
a. Are the findings discussed in relation to the objectives, questions, and/or hypotheses? Give a rationale for your response.
b. Are various explanations for the findings examined? What are they?
c. Does the interpretation appear biased? Why or why not?
d. Do the conclusions fit with the findings from the analysis? Give a rationale for your response.
e. Are conclusions based on statistically significant results? Give a rationale for your response.
f. Are limitations identified by the researcher? Give a rationale for your response. If not state at least two limitations.
g. Are there inconsistencies in the report? Give a rationale for your response. What are they?
h. What future research can be envisioned? Specifically state this and give a rationale for your response.
i. In what ways do the findings add to the current body of knowledge?
j. When the findings are examined in light of previous studies, what is not known about the phenomenon under study?

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