Tim Williams placed the phone gently back in its cradle. He sat for a moment, not sure whether he…

Tim Williams placed the phone gently back in its cradle. He sat for a moment, not sure whether he… | savvyessaywriters.org


Tim Williams placed the phone gently back in its cradle. He sat for a moment, not sure whether he felt excitement or sheer terror. Or, could it be he was feeling both? Kellie Matthews, his partner in Global Technology Solutions (GTS), had just told Tim that Husky Air, a business air charter company, was very interested in having them develop an information system. This was the moment Tim had been waiting for—their first client! Before Husky Air will sign a contract, however, they need to know what GTS will deliver, how much it will cost, and when the project will be completed.

As the project”s manager, Tim knows that getting this contract is important. Husky Air would be the company”s first and, so far, only client. Tim also understands that a successful project could lead to other work with Husky Air. Moreover, a verbal or written recommendation would provide additional credibility to help GTS get its foot in the door with other potential clients.

While working together in the information services department at a large company, Tim and Kellie decided that a small, independent consulting firm could be successful developing smaller IT-based systems. The lure of being their own bosses and the potential for financial and personal rewards were too great to resist. Tim and Kellie cashed in their stock options, and GTS was born. They decided that Kellie would develop new business and manage the day-to-day operations of GTS, while Tim would deliver and manage the projects. New employees with specific skill sets would be hired as needed to support particular projects.

Although both Tim and Kellie had worked in IT for several years, neither of them had ever managed a consulting project before. Aside from the questions posed by Husky Air (What will you deliver? How much will it cost? How long will it take?), Tim felt a bit overwhelmed because he knew the success or failure of this project would have an immediate impact on the viability of the new firm.

Things to Think About

  1. If you were in Tim”s shoes, what feelings do you think you would experience?

  2. What questions would you have?

  3. What might help reduce your anxiety and uncertainty as an inexperienced project manager?

  4. What steps would you take to begin a new project?


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