This assessment builds students oral and written communication skills, and gives the students… 1 answer below »

This assessment builds students oral and written communication skills, and gives the students… 1 answer below » |

Purpose: This assessment builds students oral and written communication skills, and gives the students real life understanding of the challenges and rewards of running a business. This relates to Learning Outcome a, b.

Value: 25%Due Date: Week 5 – 5:00 pm Sunday

Submission: Soft copy uploaded to Moodle and Turnitin – Word .doc or .docx.

Topic: Organisational Communication. Select two real-world business organisations, one in which employees have been performing well due to their standard business communication skills, and another in which employees have substandard performance because of their poor communication skills. You are free to choose the organisations from any industry such aviation (e.g. Qantas, Southern China) and retail (Woolworths, IGA). You can choose these organisations by accessing information from the internet, the websites of the selected organisations or your professional and personal experience.

After choosing the two organisations, you need to do the following:

• Find the factors relating to the success of verbal and written communication skills of the better performing employees.

• Examine the causes of poor communication skills in one of your organisations.

• Provide recommendations for enhancing the communication of employees in the poor performing organisation by applying the theory (theories) you have studied in the course.

Please refer to the documents on Moodle for additional information about the assessment (e.g. relating to formatting, academic sources and so on).




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