TheCEO ofSt.SebastianHealthSystem,amoderate-sizedhospitalsysteminamid-sized,Midwestcity has hired… 1 answer below »

TheCEO ofSt.SebastianHealthSystem,amoderate-sizedhospitalsysteminamid-sized,Midwestcity has hired… 1 answer below » |

TheCEO ofSt.SebastianHealthSystem,amoderate-sizedhospitalsysteminamid-sized,Midwestcity has hired you to help turn things around. The CFO is projecting an $8.9 million operating loss this year, which will be more than offset by non-operating income. However, the board has made it clear that the situation must improve. If the system cannot produce a positive operating margin in 2019, someone else is going to be the CEO. The CEO and CFO have asked you to recommend strategic approaches to selling their services in the community that will help turn the financial ship around.




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