The use of personal pronouns (I, my, or we) in scholarly writing is an area of great contention in a

The use of personal pronouns (I, my, or we) in scholarly writing is an area of great contention in a |

The use of personal pronouns (I, my, or we) in scholarly writing is an area of great contention in academia. Some say that the use of personal pronouns is a way of asserting your writer's voice. However, others will discount the use of personal pronouns as inappropriate. (Ridley, 2008) suggests that one way to assert your writer's voice is to use personal pronouns in your scholarly writings. Additionally, the APA Style Manual recommends using “I” rather than the third person. However, the use of personal pronouns is often discouraged in academic writings.
Explore the pros and cons of using personal pronouns in research writing.
Tasks:  Respond to the following:
•    What are the pros and cons of using personal pronouns in scholarly writing?
•    Why would most academic institutions not permit the use of these pronouns?
•    Do you agree or disagree with this perspective that institutions hold? Why or why not?

Reference: Reading and Understanding Research
3rd ed.
Lawrence F. Locke
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Stephen J. Silverman
Teachers College, Columbia University


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