The scenario for this assessment is a hypothetical future system that helps governments to manage… 1 answer below »

The scenario for this assessment is a hypothetical future system that helps governments to manage… 1 answer below » |


The scenario for this assessment is a hypothetical future system that helps governments to manage

traffic flow in municipal localities. You should imagine that the local Road Traffic Authority has put

out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for appropriately qualified consultants to undertake a body of

work that would help to scope the data requirements for such a system. With your success in your

Torrens University Australia degree so far, and other similar projects that have garnered you some

sustained success in the eyes of the profession and community, you have been shortlisted among no

less than 10 other consultancies. There are expectations from them, then, as to the standard of

report you will produce.

While there has been a tremendous amount of attention given in the media and in scientific circles

to the progression and uptake of autonomous vehicles, their widespread adoption has not yet

proliferated: there are reasons for this that you will need to take into account in your deliverable.

The local Road Traffic Authority is, with several other bodies, lobbying the government on what it

can manage in the emergent world of technological change and the capability of artificial

intelligence. An alternative model has been proposed that the Road Traffic Authority believes to be

MIS602 Assign 3 Page 2 of 4

preferable to autonomous vehicles and it involves a system that would control all non-autonomous,

driverless vehicles through a traffic management and routing system.




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