The plaintiff claim (a) $4000 and the plus the administration fee of $50 charged to her account…

The plaintiff claim (a) $4000 and the plus the administration fee of $50 charged to her account… |

1. The plaintiff claim (a) $4000 and the plus the administration fee of $50 charged to her account for the NSF cheque ; (b) Pre and post judgement interest at a rate of the 12% per annum from the date of default until such time as any amount owing are paid in full in accordance with the terms of the promissory note dated December 1, 2018; (c) In the alternative, pre- and post-judgment interest in accordance with the court of justice act; (d) Her cost of the action; and (e) Such further and other relief as this Honourable court deems just. 2. The plaintiff is an individual residing in the city of Mississauga in the province of Ontario. 3. The defendant is an individual residing at 105 Morton Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario L2X 4Y5. 4. Pursuant to a promissory note dated December 1, 2018, the plaintiff loaned the defendant the sum of $4000.00. According the term of the note, the entire sum with interest was to be repaid in full by the defendant on or before March 1, the event of default by Suzanne Maria Herrero, interest shall continue to accrue on the principal amount owing at a rate of 12% per annum until such amount owing are paid in full. 5. Defendant gave plaintiff a cheque in the amount of $4,120, on account of the principal owing of $4,000 plus three month’s interest of $120. Ms. Dante received a notice from the bank that the cheque had been returned because of insufficient fund, and that her account had been charged an administration fee of $50. So, defendant failed the pay the amount owing on or before the March 1, 2019. 6. In spite of repeated demands for payment, both spoken and written, the defendant has failed to pay anything whatsoever on account of the amount owing to the plaintiff.




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