The overall purpose of this assignment is to support your ability to use research principles in the

The overall purpose of this assignment is to support your ability to use research principles in the |

The overall purpose of this assignment is to support your ability to use research principles in the evaluation and improvement of clinical practice.It will be most interesting and useful if you can identify an issue or problem in your clinical placement, your work site, where care differs in practice from that shown to be effective in clinical research EBP (evidence based practice). What is the research question/practice change you would like to address?

The information below presents the general form to be taken in constructing your papers.

?What is the question you are trying to answer on your unit?/OR what is the practice you wish to change on this unit?

?What is the literature/research foundation for this project (e.g. literature review: what has been done elsewhere?)

?How will you conduct this project (provide details: how/what/who/when)?
-Develop a mental framework
-Establish motivating image for change
-Create specific goals
-Gain administrative support
-Establish leadership team
-Involve experts and EBP (evidence based practice) mentors in clinical practice.

?How will you evaluate changes made?

?This paper should be between 10 -12 pages in length (not including title page/references).


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