The observed process consisting of a sum of sinusoids and white noise is denoted by time series X…

The observed process consisting of a sum of sinusoids and white noise is denoted by time series X… |

The observed process consisting of a sum of sinusoids and white noise is denoted by time series Xk. The filter output Yk is expressed as


Show that adaptive weights to constrained adaptive problem as given in Exercise 4.15 is given by


and µ is positive scalar constant. (See V. V. Reddy, B. Egardt, and T. Kailath, “Least Squares Type Algorithm for adaptive Implementation of Pisarenko Harmonic Retrieval Method,” IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-30, No.3, June 1982, and P. A. Thompson, “An Adaptive Spectral Analysis Technique for Unbiased Frequency Estimation in the Presence of White noise,” 13th Asilomar Conf. on Circuits, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, Nov. 5-7, 1979.)


Exercise 4.15

Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) PSD estimation. The ARM A model is given by



It is assumed that the polynomials

have roots inside the unit circle. The ARM A model can also be written as


Show that

where {hi} are defined as impulse response filter function of the ARM A model (see Problem 4.9).


(c) Let us denote the z-transform of the impulse response function as

Show that

where co ≡ 1     




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