The level of nitrogen oxides (NOX) in the exhaust of cars of a particular model varies Nor-mally…

The level of nitrogen oxides (NOX) in the exhaust of cars of a particular model varies Nor-mally… |

The level of nitrogen oxides (NOX) in the exhaust of cars of a particular model varies Nor-mally with mean 0.2 grams per mile (g/mi) and standard deviation 0.05 g/mi. Governmentregulations call for NOX emissions no higher than 0.3 g/mi.(a)(4 points)What is the probability that a single car of this model fails to meet the NOXrequirement?(b)(4 points)A company has 25 cars of this model in its fleet. What is the probabilitythat the average NOX levelxof these cars is above the 0.3 g/mi limit?(c)(4 points)Suppose you don’t know the mean of the population but you do know thatthe population standard deviation of NOX emissions is 0.05 g/mi. After taking a sampleof 25 cars, you find thatx= 0.4 g/mi. Give a 97% confidence interval for the mean ofthe population.


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