Task 3 is a reflective piece of writing about your learning experience through this semester and…

Task 3 is a reflective piece of writing about your learning experience through this semester and… | savvyessaywriters.org


NRSG 138 ASSESSMENT TASK 3: Written Reflection

Task 3 is a reflective piece of writing about your learning experience through this semester and how it has contributed to your professional philosophy and your intention to practice Person Centred Care.

Consider how your understanding of Roper, Logan and Tierney’s domains of Biological, Psychological, Socio-cultural, Politico-economic and Environmental factors will assist you in your future practice when you will be practicing person-centred care. How does the experience of learning about these domains influence your personal philosophy of nursing and person-centred care?

Structuring your assignment

Firstly, it is important that your submission is structured using Gibbs reflective cycle.

Please review the exemplars that have been written by the lecturers and provided for you on the WIKI page on the NRSG 138 LEO site. Reflective writing is a way of being proactive in your everyday learning and practice.

A reflective piece is all about YOU. It is expected that it be written in the first person. So, this way of writing is unlike other forms of academic writing and “I” and “me” and “I found” etc. are all not only acceptable but expected.

The structure of the assignment should include:

An introduction including a coherent description of what you learned about the RLT domains (biological, psychological, socio- cultural, politico- economic and environmental factors)

Recognition of how you felt and your reactions to this new information -consider your own development in the unit

An evaluation of the learning experience

A critical analysis of what made sense to you – link this with academic literature

A description of your personal philosophy of nursing as an outcome of your reflective learning – link this with current nursing literature

Link your stated personal philosophy with person-centred care, and how you will implement this in future practice

Writing your assignment

The writing will demonstrate a reflection on your learning experience. You can use your writing from the unit content as a basis for this reflection. Refer to these pieces of writing and review, refine, reference and extend them to develop a cohesive reflection that represents your understanding of the Roper Logan and Tierney model of care and how this has informed your (beginning) personal philosophy of nursing

Please remember that the submission for the reflective piece needs to be a cohesive piece of writing.


You have been asked to provide references in your reflection and this will also be good practice for future academic writing and reflection. Please include in text references and a Reference List.

To support your writing, you can use:

• research articles

• policy documents from relevant nursing professional groups

• text books

• articles from peer reviewed nursing journals on nursing education, academia or theory.

References are useful to support your stance on

• why you might have felt a certain way

• why we use a model of nursing

• to explain why the concept under discussion is important

• discuss what could have been done differently

• why something worked well

• to justify your plans

It is expected that for 1200 words you will have around a minimum of 10 different references.


1. How old can the references be?

The convention for writing about dynamic clinical information is 5 years or less (as knowledge changes so rapidly). In some areas however, older knowledge is considered fundamental and contemporary for longer. You should use the most recent available. So, if you find two articles from 1991 and then 2006, you should use the most recent. You should be able to source all your material from 2008 onwards.

2. Can I use the Gibb’s cycle as headings in my essay?

Gibbs’ headings are a great idea as you write your draft, because they help you organise your ideas. However, academic writing requires a coherent, well-flowing piece of writing so before submission, you need to remove any draft headings and make sure you link your paragraphs so ideas flow throughout the paper.

3. Do I reference Roper Logan and Tierney?

You will need to cite your source for the domains you discuss, and any material from RLT that is not your own original thought. However, you need to include a broad range of references to support your writing.

4. What is an authoritative source…or why can’t I just Google this?

Please see the Assessments tabs for an explanation of authoritative sources. Google and similar search engines are public – they provide information at public level and you are completing a complex tertiary degree. We are aware of the existing material available on Google for these topics and there is a significant loss of marks associated with using material designed for the ‘person on the street’ rather than the beginning clinician such as yourselves.




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