
Task-1-Task-1-Welcome-to-the-Modern-Mathematics-with-Algebra-In-this-class-we-will-be-exploring- | savvyessaywriters.org

Task 1

Task 1

Welcome to the Modern Mathematics with Algebra! In this class we will be exploring how your basic algebra principles can be utilized to help us solve modern mathematical problems. To give us a little taste of what we mean by “Modern Math,” let’s start things off with a fairly straightforward problem: “How do we divide something fairly between groups of people?”

Seems easy enough, until you start figuring in people’s interests, dislikes, and competitiveness. Our goal this week is to explore this idea and relate it back to basic numerical operations on real numbers.

Investigate Continuous Fair Division: Watch

Investigate Discrete Fair Division: Watch

Find at least four examples of fair division. Write what they are, how what was fair decided on, and whether the participants believed it was fair. You might look no farther than you own home as individuals divide up dessert, or use the news papers or internet to find more involved examples.

Review the Fair Division Booklet. Read the background information. You will refer to this booklet throughout the lesson this week.

Do you have a board game from childhood that you always liked to play? Or perhaps there’s a particular card game that has a warm place in your heart? Or do you a possibly-unhealthy obsession with a certain video game?

Your task this week is to focus on these questions and choose any game from anywhere in the world that uses any medium. There is a catch though: it has to be a game that involves math to some extent. Math can be present in counting, making sets, building things, whatever, as long as math is present then it’s a valid game.

Once you’ve taken care of choosing a game, your next part of the task is going to be a bit more thought provoking: come up with a convincing argument that math is indeed present and needed to be successful at playing your chosen game.

If you need some guidance, refer to the Course Learning Outcomes on pg 2 of your syllabus. These are what the course is focusing on after all, so perhaps your game touches upon a few of these topics?

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