Sustainable Business Practice ………………… 1 answer below »

Sustainable Business Practice ………………… 1 answer below » |

Description •Students are required to write a case study report on a specified firm. •The case study report should be no longer than 3000 words (excluding references and illustrations). •Each student have been allocated a firm. •I strongly advise to start work on the case study early in the semester. •Submission will be via the turn-it-in link on the blackboard site. •Late penalties will be applied from 2359hr on 18th September •

Document Preview:

CSR Report 2016 May 30th, 2017Index CSR Report 2016 Index 2 The CSR Report is published yearly and concerns all companies of the Royal Agrifirm Group, unless indicated other – CSR Report 2016 3 wise for specific components. The previous report was published in May 2016. Reading Guide 3 Preface 4 The guideline used in preparing the report is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the international guideline for sus- 1. Agrifirm. a Link to Success 6 tainability reporting. This report was prepared in accordance with the GRI G4 Guideline. The GRI Table with references 2. Six Pillars for Impact within the Supply Chain 9 to all reported information is available on our website under the header ‘About Us/Agrifirm in the Interview Ruud Tijssens 11 Netherlands/Annual Reports’. Materiality matrix Royal Agrifirm Group 12 Strategic CSR Objectives 14 For additional information about Agrifirm’s Corporate Social Responsibility policy (CSR Policy), contact Ruud Tijssens, About Agrifirm 16 Director Corporate Affairs, Strategic R&D and CSR,, or T +31 (0)88 488 10 00. 3. Working on Sustainable Raw Materials 18 Interview Lucas Simons – ‘Agrifirm stelt de juiste vragen’ 19 New Sustainable Procurement Policy 20 4. Efficient Production and Logistics 21 Interview Chris Mercier – ‘A smart focus beyond our own boundaries’ 23 5. Efficient Use of Raw Materials 24 Interview Ruud Tijssens – ‘Manure as a Valuable Raw Material’ 25 6. Healthy Plants, Soil and Animals for Healthy People 27 Interview Guide Sterk – ’Organic when possible, chemical when necessary’ 28 Results Agrifirm Feed 32 Results Agrifirm Plant 34 7. Contributing to a Sustainable Consumer Supply 35 Reading Guide 8. Employees, the Foundation for Success 38 Agrifirm Ambition Day 39 Interview Johan de Leede – ‘Ambitious and Results-oriented’ 39 In this Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Agrifirm reports on its CSR policy and the accomplishments…




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