SUR 340 – Flight Planning – Compute the photo scale, 1:__________ or 1” = __________ feet….

SUR 340 – Flight Planning – Compute the photo scale, 1:__________ or 1” = __________ feet…. |

SUR 340 – Flight Planning

The project area outlined is found in the file entitled Planning_map.pdf. It is a 7.5 minute quad

sheet, so the scale is 1:24,000 or 1” = 2000’.

The client wants a topographic map of this project area with a 2-foot contour interval (2-ft CI).

You will be using a standard 6-inch mapping camera with a 9-inch format, and a softcopy

workstation, so use a C-factor of 1500.

Compute the photo scale, 1:__________ or 1” = __________ feet.

Compute the flight height above mean terrain = __________ feet. (Some call this the flight

height or FH.)

Since the aircraft is not equipped with a GPS navigational and camera triggering system you

need to plan for 30% sidelap. This will result in a planned neat model that is less than 7 inches

in height on the photo.

Neat model height = __________ inches on the photo.

Distance between flight lines = __________ feet on the ground.

Fill an 8.5 x 11 inch transparency (or piece of paper) with a neat model overlay for the photo

scale and map scale you are using, and label it with the photo and map scales and the sidelap.

Also draw the flight lines for these neat models. The photo centers are wherever a flight line

crosses a neat model edge.

An example of a flight planning (neat model) overlay is found in the file entitled


Use your overlay to determine the flight lines, and draw the flight lines and photo centers on the

planning map.

Estimate the average terrain of the mapping area, and compute the flight altitude above sea level

for the fly over, FA = __________feet ASL.

Mark the flight altitude on the planning map.

Submit the planning map, your answers on this page, and a copy of your flight planning overlay

in the Project 4 Flight Planning Drop Box.

Note: In practice, the planning map would not be adequate for the flight mission. All of

the flight information would be transferred to an original topo quad sheet and given to the flight

crew. If the camera trigger is controlled by GPS, the flight planning would be done

on a computer, so just follow their instructions.




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