Supely Chain of Contents Case Mapping the Mac Supply Chain Management: Feom Vision to implementat… 1 answer below »

Supely Chain of Contents Case Mapping the Mac Supply Chain Management: Feom Vision to implementat… 1 answer below » |

Supely Chain of Contents Case Mapping the Mac Supply Chain Management: Feom Vision to implementation As part of her internship project at Global Foods, Lillian converted to a case cost. Loss in manufacturing must also be Smith was charged with understanding and mapping the incorporated. The glue is priced per cwt Ogden Jeftrey A, Fawcert, Stanley E. Eram Uisa M supply chain for Global Foods premium macaroni and cheese. This is the macaroni and cheese that comes with the give her some insight into reading the BOM. The project mix in a pouch. The selling point is that the sauce in a can tastes closer to homemade. It is priced at 3 to 4 times more24 boxes Lillian approached one of the product engineers to chese sauce in a can, rather than the powdered engineer provided the following definitions Remember that the unit of measure is 1 case of . pyright Page ble of Contents face than the macaroni and cheese with powdered cheese mix. CVT means hundredweight, which is the same as 100 pounds. It is a common measure in food manufacturing and ingredient buying in the United · The cost of this product was too high, according to management. Because it was already priced at such a premium, marketing believed that there was no way that Global Foods could raise the price of the product to con- sumers. However the cost increases it was experiencing States. Answer the following questions to help Lillian get were squeezing the margins started on her SC-mapping project. out the Authors Lillian had beep given a bill of materials (BOM) for the mixand reeded to race it back to the individual suppliers, their subsuppliers, and any sub-subsuppliers. The BOM that Lillian was given appears in Table 7.2 The ingredients in each finished box of macaroni and cheese weigh approxi- mately 1 pound (Tb). There are 24 boxes in a case, and each case contains about 24 hundredweight (owt) of ingredients, not counting the packaging. The shrinkage or loss costs are built into the unit cost in the far column. Note that the unit costs are per case of 24 boxes. The packaging is also con- CASE QUESTIONS SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY 1. Evaluate the applicability of each of the four approaches to supply chain design (SCOR, supply chain evolution, nature of the product or service, or life cycle) to Lillians analysis of the macaroni and cheese supply chain. ART It DESIGNING THE LORAL SUPPLY CHAIN PART HI: COLLABORAT?NG ACRDSS THE SUPPLY CHAIN 2 Where should Lillian begin with mapping this supply chain, and why? 3 Lillin contacted the supplier of the cheese sauco verted to a cost per case of macaroni and cheese. Corrugatecd shippers and cartons are priced per hundred and need to be get the bill of materials for the cheese sauce, as in Table 7.3. Note that there is also information Case 1: Creating a Cycle of

Supely Chain of Contents Case Mapping the Mac Supply Chain Management: Feom Vision to implementation As part of her internship project at Global Foods, Lillian converted to a case cost. Loss in manufacturing must also be Smith was charged with understanding and mapping the incorporated. The glue is priced per cwt Ogden Jeftrey A, Fawcert, Stanley E. Eram Uisa M supply chain for Global Foods’ premium macaroni and cheese. This is the macaroni and cheese that comes with the give her some insight into reading the BOM. The project mix in a pouch. The selling point is that the sauce in a can tastes closer to homemade. It is priced at 3 to 4 times more24 boxes Lillian approached one of the product engineers to chese sauce in a can, rather than the powdered engineer provided the following definitions Remember that the unit of measure is 1 case of . pyright Page ble of Contents face than the macaroni and cheese with powdered cheese mix. CVT means hundredweight, which is the same as 100 pounds. It is a common measure in food manufacturing and ingredient buying in the United · The cost of this product was too high, according to management. Because it was already priced at such a premium, marketing believed that there was no way that Global Foods could raise the price of the product to con- sumers. However the cost increases it was experiencing States. Answer the following questions to help Lillian get were squeezing the margins started on her SC-mapping project. out the Authors Lillian had beep given a bill of materials (BOM) for the mixand reeded to race it back to the individual suppliers, their subsuppliers, and any sub-subsuppliers. The BOM that Lillian was given appears in Table 7.2 The ingredients in each finished box of macaroni and cheese weigh approxi- mately 1 pound (Tb). There are 24 boxes in a case, and each case contains about 24 hundredweight (owt) of ingredients, not counting the packaging. The shrinkage or loss costs are built into the unit cost in the far column. Note that the unit costs are per case of 24 boxes. The packaging is also con- CASE QUESTIONS SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY 1. Evaluate the applicability of each of the four approaches to supply chain design (SCOR, supply chain evolution, nature of the product or service, or life cycle) to Lillian’s analysis of the macaroni and cheese supply chain. ART It DESIGNING THE LORAL SUPPLY CHAIN PART HI: COLLABORAT?NG ACRDSS THE SUPPLY CHAIN 2 Where should Lillian begin with mapping this supply chain, and why? 3 Lillin contacted the supplier of the cheese sauco verted to a cost per case of macaroni and cheese. Corrugatecd shippers and cartons are priced per hundred and need to be get the bill of materials for the cheese sauce, as in Table 7.3. Note that there is also information Case 1: Creating a Cycle of


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