
success-networking-team-snt-meeting-2 |

When your team is gathered for the second SNT meeting, click on the Meeting #2 video below to watch the guide together. Video Link:…

Please be sure to keep your goals SMART- avoid generalities and be as specific as possible. Answer those questions when listing and discussing your goal: is it specific, measurable, achievable, rewarding, and timely? How so? Staying specific and detailed will help ensure that you are accomplishing what you set out to achieve.

1- Did you succeed in achieving your action steps since the last meeting? If yes, please state which action steps you were able to complete. If no, please explain the challenges that you experienced. (If this is your first SNT meeting, write ‘first meeting’ here)

2- Please state your goal using the SMART Method:

Specific: Avoid generalities! Your goal should have specific details so you know what you’re achieving.

Measurable: Make sure you have solid criteria for establishing your progress toward your goal.

Achievable: It doesn’t have to be simple or easy, but it should be possible.

Rewarding: Your goal must be something that is meaningful and worthwhile.

Timely: Having specific dates for beginning and finishing goals keeps you on track.

Example: “My goal is to receive a Sports Internship by May 1st”

3- Please list the actions steps you will take to achieve your goals stated above. These are action steps that will be completed by next meeting. Example: “1. Finish my resume. 2. Talk with my advisor. 3. Submit a sports internship application at two institutions.”

4- How have the Society speakers or SNT meetings helped you achieve your goals or changed your life?


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