Students are required to consider and reflect on their learning this semester relating to the… 1 answer below »

Students are required to consider and reflect on their learning this semester relating to the… 1 answer below » |

Task: Students are required to consider and reflect on their learning this semester relating to the assessment and communication of activities of living. Using the following: • The Roper-Logan-Tierney Model for Nursing (Holland & Jenkins,2019); • ‘Cues’ and ‘Judgements’ from The Situated Clinical Decision-Making Framework (Gillespie & Patterson 2009); and • Borton’s (1970) Model of Reflection (Smith, James, Adamson & Gentleman, 2016), prepare a 1500-word reflective paper that outlines your personal role in providing essentials of care for future practice as a Registered Nurse. When preparing your reflection consider and include the following: • Introduction – A brief overview of what you plan to discuss (short paragraph). • Define essentials of care. • What? – Describe your experience this semester in relation to the assessment and communication of activities of living on a dependence/independence continuum and factors influencing activities of living. • So What? – What cues (data/information/things you noticed) did you identify from your experiences this semester that shaped your judgements (understanding) about your personal role in assessing and communicating essentials of care for future practice? • Now What? – What could you and/or need to do now to enable you to effectively assess and communicate essentials of care for future practice? • Conclusion – A brief summary of what you discussed (short paragraph, no new information). We encourage you to use your journaling notes from seminars to assist you with this assessment. Academic expectations: • All students require a cover sheet (first page of your work). Your cover sheet must include: the unit number, workshop day/time, title and your student ID number. • Your work will be blind marked. This means the teaching team are ‘blind’ to who they are marking which limits potential bias. As such, please do not put your name on your work. • Word limit for this assessment is 1500 words +/- 10% (excluding in-text referencing). • Your work requires an introduction, body and conclusion. You are welcome to use headings e.g. What, so what, now what? within the body of your work. An introduction and conclusion do not require a heading. • You are welcome to use first person narrative (I, we etc.). • Please ensure you read and utilise the marking rubric to ensure you meet the assessment criteria. • Please seek early support using the discussion forum and teaching team if you are having difficulty addressing the assessment task and marking criteria. Please factor a time allowance for this in your assessment preparations. Contact information and working hours for the teaching team are available on the canvas site in the ‘Student resources’ module. • The teaching team are happy to support you with this assessment. Please bring your specific questions to any discussions with the teaching team. As we are unable to equitably nor logistically review full drafts for the entire cohort, we will not review full drafts.




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