Structure Web Tier & Application Components by identifying the most appropriate structural… 1 answer below »

Structure Web Tier & Application Components by identifying the most appropriate structural… 1 answer below »


LO2: Structure Web Tier & Application Components by identifying the most appropriate

structural pattern.

LO3: Implement data access/persistence mechanisms including implementing enterprisegrade transactions in traditional as well as non-SQL data environments.

LO4: Carry out research on emerging tools and use expert knowledge gained to choose the

right developmental strategy and tools to implement enterprise solutions without

compromising prudent design principles.



This assessment expects the student to submit a critique report on a research article

related to Enterprise applications and its current trend technologies. This assessment is designed

to improve student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and

writing a report/Critique report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter. The research articles

would be tasked to explore further research trends relevant to the unit content. As further

research findings the unit lecturer may supplement or substitute these to keep the research

delivery current and updated.




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