Shear strength measurements derived from unconfined compression tests for two types of soils gave th

Shear strength measurements derived from unconfined compression tests for two types of soils gave th |

Shear strength measurements derived from unconfined compression tests for two types of soils gave the results shown in the following table (measurements in tons per square foot). Do the soils appear to differ with respect to average shear strength, at the 1% significance level? Assume that the underlying populations for both Soil Type I and Type II are normally distributed with unknown but equal variances.Soil type 1_n1=23ybar1=1.65s1=.26Soil type 2_n1=27ybar1=1.43s1=.22I: Hypothesis:II: Calculations:Test Statistic:Critical Value:The p value:III. Decision and Conclusion:Decision:a. P Value Approach:b. Critical Value Approach:Conclusion:


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