
Sexual-Harassment-Conversation |

Assignment 1: HR Management

Due Week 2 and worth 125 points

Imagine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no”. What would you do?

Write a one (1) page paper in which you:

  1. Formulate the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.
  2. Summarize the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.
  3. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. 1. Formulate the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.
      Weight: 45%
      Did not submit or incompletely formulated the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.
      Insufficiently formulated the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.
      Partially formulated the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.
      Satisfactorily formulated the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.
      Thoroughly formulated the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.
      2. Summarize the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.
      Weight: 45%
      Did not submit or incompletely summarized the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.
      Insufficiently summarized the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.
      Partially summarized the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.
      Satisfactorily summarized the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.
      Thoroughly summarized the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.
      3. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
      Weight: 10%
      More than 8 errors present
      7-8 errors present
      5-6 errors present
      3-4 errors present
      0-2 errors pres


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