Select a recent financial international event (stock market crash. the China grow. a country’s… 1 answer below »

Select a recent financial international event (stock market crash. the China grow. a country’s… 1 answer below » |

Select a recent financial international event (stock market crash. the China grow. a country’s recession. a disruptive innovation. etc.) and prepare an individual project. You can select one country or economiciindustnal sector and analyze the effects of the financial international event

The structure of the work should be built around the following two elements:

(A) Critically evaluate the positive or negative impacts of the event on:

• Local companies (student can select two or three industnes or focus on the major market indices in the country in this section). • International companies operating on that country. • Local and international Individual Investors. • Macroeconomic indicators in the country (GDP. interest rate. CPI. etc.) • The citizens of the country (living in the country and abroad) • If necessary. consider further indicators.

(B) Select one or two major trade partners of the country and explain how businesses policy makers and nationals of that country benefited or were affected by the event.

(C) According to A and B. write a critical analysis and make a short forecast for the financial and economic situation in the selected country.




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