RQs, Variables, and Data Types Discussion Board

Business Finance

Describe the four primary types of data in quantitative research: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Compose a quantitative research question (or use one of the questions you composed for Module 2 Case assignment) and identify the “variables” included in the question and the “type of data” each variable would measure. In this forum, you need to post a minimum of 4 postings to receive the full credit. Each forum has an initial input, with three peer replies/critiques (a minimum of 4 forum posts are required). You must cite and reference research sources according to APA in all your posts.

Respond to or evaluate three peer postings with at least a 125-word response, which will cause you and your peers to generate creative ideas and concepts for your Case Assignment and SLP.

Background Information:

Newsom, C. A. (2010). Pairing research questions and theories of genre: A case study of the Hodayot. Dead Sea Discoveries. 17(3), pp270-288. DOI: 10.1163/156851710X513548. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from EBSCO.

Prat, Nicolas (2012). Teaching information systems with cases: An exploratory study. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 52 (3), pp. 71-81. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from ProQuest.

Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics (2006, June). Glossary. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/glossary.html

StatSoft, Inc. (2010). Electronic Statistics Textbook. Elementary Concepts. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from http://www.statsoft.com/textbook/elementary-concep…

Research Methods ** Available in the Presentations section.

Optional Reading

Siddharth Kalla,Parameters and Statistics https://explorable.com/parameters-and-statistics

Web Central for Social Research Methods. Selecting Statistics Retrieved August 22, 2013 from Cornell University website: http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/selstat/sssta…