Review the SEC website and the FASB website.Write a 300- to 500-word paper to include the following:

Review the SEC website and the FASB website.Write a 300- to 500-word paper to include the following: |

Review the SEC website and the FASB website.Write a 300- to 500-word paper to include the following:Identify the mission and main activities of each organization.What are the similarities and differences in the roles of each entity?Which of the principles do you feel is the most important and relevant to the hotel industry? Explain your answer.Regulatory Authority Research and Review Grading GuideHTT/231 Version 2Individual Assignment: Regulatory Authority Research and ReviewPurpose of AssignmentThe purpose of this assignment to assist the student in understanding the importance of standardized financialreporting and the importance of financial integrity. Students will research the FASB and SEC websites anddiscuss the similarities and differences between these organizations and present their findings.Resources RequiredHospitality Industry Managerial Accounting, Ch. 2Grading GuideContent70 PercentMetPartiallyMetNotMetTotalAvailableTotalEarned6#/6PartiallyMetNotMetTotalAvailableTotalEarned2#/28#/8Comments:Identify the mission and main activities of theSEC and FASB.What are the similarities and differences inthe roles of each entity?Which of the principles do you feel is themost important and relevant to the hotelindustry? Explain your answer.The paper is 350- to 700- words in length.Writing Guidelines30 PercentMetIntellectual property is recognized with in-textcitations and a reference page.Paragraph and sentence transitions arepresent, logical, and maintain the flowthroughout the paper.Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.Rules of grammar and usage are followedincluding spelling and punctuation.Assignment Total#Additional comments:Copyright © 2015 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.Comments:1


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