
Research-Paper-on-Big-Data-and-Data-Analytics |

Topic Title: Strategies to Implement and Integrate Big Data and Data Analytics to Improve Business Decisions (The research should answer the question what strategies should business use in leveraging big data and data analytics to improve business decisions?)

** This paper is the continuation of first paper, I am attaching bellow.

The Methodology paper is a research paper about your selected research method and process. This paper must include the reasons and justification for approach, a minimum of eight (8) peer-reviewed references, and follow the section outline below.


  • Research Design
    • Describe and define the anticipated research approach or strategy to be used and how this approach is appropriate for this research
  • Participants
    • Describe the anticipated sample population (number, gender, age, socio-economics, etc.) including how you will obtain permission and consent
  • Instrumentation
    • Describe any instruments you anticipate using to collect data
  • Procedure
    • Provide the detail about how you anticipate conducting the research
  • Data Processing and Analysis
    • Explain, in detail, how you anticipate processing and analyzing collected data
  • Summary

The paper should contain at least 7-8 pages of content not count title page, table page and a reference page.

* Table of contents, Introduction, conclusion and sub headings are mandatory

* APA Format should follow all APA rules (citations, quotations, references)

*Follow the Template

* No Plagiarism


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