
research-paper-for-missy-class |

Topic: Each student will collect data from at least three professionals using a survey questionnaire (Questionnaire in the picture below) that the instructor will give you. You can collect data through direct face to face interviews, through telephone, e- mail, fax or any other safe and reliable medium of your choice. You can choose to collect data from your parents, uncles, aunts, relatives, friends, coworkers or any other professional persons who will be kind enough to cooperate with you by agreeing to be a subject of data collection. Your subjects of data collection can be from different professions or they can all be from the same profession; they can be all from the same company or from different organizations. For certain research projects, data can be collected from the official website of an organization or from other sources.

Submit the research paper in which you summarized the findings from your interviews. Your research summary should be between 1000 and 1500 words.

This work is very important to me, please do it carefully. It is final work for that class.

Please ask if you have any question.


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