
research-paper-essay |

For this essay I have already provided the topic, I’m asking for help in order to make it a proper full research paper.

Please provide a draft and a final for this assignment.

Research Paper Draft

The Research Paper draft may be only five or six pages (It’s only a draft.) The final of the Research Paper will be 10 pages. There should be some use of references, but a Works Cited page does not have to be part of the Research Draft.

Here are the requirements for the Final Research Paper:

Topic: . Do some preliminary research. Narrowing the scope of the topic will allow you to better formulate a thesis.

References: References are required for this essay. You must have at least six references, three of which must be scholarly books or articles from academic journals. Any particular reference may accessible from the internet, but it must originate from an academic anthology or journal or academic press and be citable as such. Your other references can be websites or additional articles and books. Under not circumstances will Wikipedia appear as a work cited.

Format: The final essay is to be at least 10 pages, following MLA format: typed, double-spaced, 12-point font in Times New Roman with one‑inch margins.


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