requires you to take on the role of an IT Project Manager to produce a Project Charter…

requires you to take on the role of an IT Project Manager to produce a Project Charter… |

requires you to take on the role of an IT Project Manager to produce a Project Charter considering the situation defined in given case. In this instance the Charter provides a summary of a proposed project. It is being developed to provide the client with an overview of a proposed project so they can determine if they want to proceed with the project as stated in the Charter. This is an individual assessment task that will be completed in your designated week 5 tutorial class on 28th March 2018.Learning objectives After successfully completing this assessment task, you should be able to: ? Demonstrate knowledge and understanding on developing documentation for effective Project Management ? Identify, analyse and report the initial requirements of projects ? Communicate using professional business language in written formatProblem Scenario Your employer You professionalism developed as a project manager for a company is an important task and experience for representation. Being a consulting firm, the company has a range of employees including consultants, administrative staff, project managers, programmers, testers, business analysts and help-desk staff along with technical support staff who specialize in system design, analysis, implementation, technical writers and training with a focus on user training for professional development. The company also provides information systems consultancy and project management services as well.? For the purposes of this assessment task, please consider your lecturer/tutor to be your finance client. They can clarify any queries you may have. ? Your client can be well-defined ? A detailed client scenario is available on VU Collaborate. It describes a clientRequirements After reviewing the scenario carefully before you start preparing your Charter. Ask your aim is to satisfy the finance/sponsor, if you have any questions or require any further clarifications about the scenario, please ask your lecturer for clarification.PROJECT OVERVIEW The ‘Delivering More with Less’ project is responding to the current (and ongoing) climate of constrained resources in HE, arising as a result of the wider economic problems faced in the UK and abroad. In the recent past, HE managers have generally been able to draw on additional resources to drive up quality, or deliver additional services. However, resources are increasingly constrained, and managers need to be able to operate effectively in this new context to ensure that institutions remain competitive. This means that managers need to be able to deliver more with less by: prioritising and weeding out unproductive activities; seeking out and implementing efficiencies in the processes they oversee; and, being more creative with the resources available to them. A key issue for managers whilst dealing with these challenges will be to ensure that any cost reductions align with the strategic aims of their institution going forward, rather than making changes that reduce cost in the short-term, but have a negative impact on activities in the future. Whilst the difficult economic climate is only now having an impact on HE, other sectors (e.g. private sector) have felt the impact prior to this, and so have been putting in places measures to address the situation by becoming more efficient. Some within the HE sector have also begun to address these issues, recognising that the impact would trickle down and have an impact on them eventually. In this new context, managers in HE need resources to enable them to develop the skills and attitudes needed to operate effectively in this context, as well as knowledge of practical steps they can take to deliver more with less. There is value in learning from successful practice in HE, as well from the practice of those in other sectors that have successfully delivered more with less. A scope of the literature suggests there is evidence that different sectors have addressed this challenge effectively, and that there is are potential lessons to learn in the areas of organisational culture, systems and structures. In response to this, the ‘Delivering More with Less’ project seeks to develop a learning resource for managers in HE to aid them in dealing with this new context, drawing on practice both from HE, and further afield. 2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES ‘Delivering More with Less’ is led by the University of Exeter in partnership with the University of the Creative Arts, University College Falmouth and the University of Sussex. HEFCE has provided £275k of funding from the Leading Transformational Change element of the Leadership, Governance and Management Fund, which aids transformation activities in HE in response to the current economic situation. The partners are providing match funding. The project will develop resources to help managers acquire the skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary to deliver more with less, specifically by: ? Generating an evidence-based set of ideas about how managers can deliver more with less ? Developing learning resources based on the evidence that are directly applicable to managers in HE ? Disseminating the resources throughout the project widely via a project website, and dissemination events.


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