Reflect on the three TED Talks you watched this week. Based on what you saw, and the material from..

Reflect on the three TED Talks you watched this week. Based on what you saw, and the material from.. |

Reflect on the three TED Talks you watched this week. Based on what you saw, and the material from your assigned reading, describe your experience with the role of gender and culture in the external environment and how it influences your decisions about growth in your profession. What are your observations of the organizational landscape and how gender and culture in the external environment affect your organization? Do you think that women lead differently than men, or is it a misconception? Do you think that men and women have different cultures, why?

Your paper should be sufficient in length to fully address the question(s) presented, written at the college level, adhere to APA gt, using in-text citations and a references page.

Please watch this video to do the assignment TED Talk by Sheryl Sandberg: “Why we have too few women leaders” (14:58)


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