Question 14 What constitutes meaningful discussions? They can’t be misleading and must identify 1 answer below »

Question 14 What constitutes meaningful discussions? They can’t be misleading and must identify 1 answer below » |

Question 14

What constitutes meaningful discussions?

They can't be misleading and must identify proposal deficiencies and significant weaknesses that could reasonably be addressed in a manner to materially enhance the offeror's potential receiving award.

They should not spoon-feed an offeror with solutions the government would like to see addressed

They should provide technical-leveling to provide a weaker offeror with a better chance to win

They should provide the offerors with the solutions to the areas of the proposal that require amplification and improvement

Question 15

Evaluation factor definitions should be written in a vague and ambiguous way as to allow room for a lot of interpretation by the evaluation board and SSA:



Question 16

Which statement best describes the role of the Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB) in their proposal evaluation process?

Examination of the merits of each proposal against the requirements of the solicitation (RFP)

Examination of the merits of each proposal against the merits of other proposals

Examination of the merits of each proposal against the acquisition strategy

Examination of the merits of each proposal against historical procurements

Question 17

This best-value evaluation technique is appropriate when it may be in the best interest of the government to consider an award to someone other than the lowest priced offeror or the highest technically rated offeror:


Lowest price that is technically acceptable

Lowest bidder

Cost evaluation

Question 18

Three “legislative controls” placed on appropriations by Congress that are related to funding are

Purpose, Time, Amount

O&M, R&D, Procurement

Administrative, Outlay, Disbursement

Obligation, Commitment, Expenditure

Question 19

The act of legally binding the government to make payment for goods and services:





Question 20

This law prohibits obligations in advance of or in excess of an appropriation:

Anti-Deficiency Act

Bona Fide Need Rule

Necessary Expense Rule

Question 21

As it relates to source selection and procurement integrity, an appearance of a conflict of interest is not as bad as an actual conflict of interest:



Question 22

Given the Source Selection Authority's (SSA) broad discretion in determining evaluation factors, sub-factors and their relative importance, he/she should select as many as possible to effectively assess the proposals.



Question 23

Following the initial evaluation of proposals during a competitive negotiation procurement, the Government must establish a competitive range and hold discussions.



Question 24

Following discussions during a competitive negotiation procurement, the offeror is allowed to revise their proposal to improve their chance of contract award:



Question 25

It is customary and appropriate or the Government to provide a comprehensive, point-by-point comparison of one offeror's proposal to other offerors' proposals during debriefings:




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